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[Black Cadillacs] - Blood and Mettle

Started by Aise, August 28, 2008, 04:26:59 AM

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I was reading my copy of the Steel Toed Edition of Black Cadillacs and came across a little snag. Since I am starting a full campaign of Black Cadillacs, until the Blood Clock is full, I decided to read up on a few things I haven't used yet. Namely, Blood and Mettle.

For Mettle, I was unable to find what players do to gain a point of Mettle, I see that it says, "At the begining of each Mission, Mettle and Blood refresh" Does this mean each player gains 1 Mettle or do they only have one any way and can just use it? I'm a little confused on this.

For Blood, I understand that only a character who is dead or gone home can gain Blood, but do they always gain two, or can they gain more?

I know these must be spelled out somewhere but I just can't find them. Thanks to whoever helps, probably Darcy.

Darcy Burgess

Hi John,

Yay!  Rules questions!  Here we go...

A character gains a point of Mettle if he gains distinguishment during Endgame. (p.72)

Characters do not gain Blood, the squad does. The squad gains 1 point of Blood for each Trooper that left play that game.  Add an additional point of Blood if one of the Troopers who left play had the most Mettle. (p.74)

Knowing that, is there something about the refreshment of Mettle and Blood (at the beginning of a Mission) that still doesn't make sense?


Black Cadillacs - Your soapbox about War.  Use it.


Hey Darcy,

Yes there is still something that doesn't quite makes sense. Say you finished your first session last week and week two rolls around, Ally 1 has 1 Mettle because he distinguished himself. If he distinguishes himself again, does he has 2 Mettle? And if he does then I'm guessing say he uses both of those in the third session, at the beginning of the fourth session, he then has two Mettle again (If he didn't distinguish himself).

Is that correct?

Thanks, Aise (John)

Darcy Burgess

Black Cadillacs - Your soapbox about War.  Use it.