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GenCon Forge Booth Chairs, part 2

Started by SirValence, August 22, 2008, 07:01:03 PM

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I was reimbursed for all but $19 for the chairs, and I can cover that much. That's $1 for each StoryCards deck that sold. :)

Steve Segedy


It was truly awesome that you brought those chairs, and I'm glad you got reimbursed for most of it.  In addition to the money, you are owed a mighty thanks by everybody who didn't have to sit in one of those convention hall deathtraps to do a demo!  So thanks!
The Shab-al-Hiri Roach and Grey Ranks, available now at IPR!


As it turns out, someone threw the last $19 my way, so I'm out nothing. No problem.

Yeah, those convention chairs were pretty scary. More than once I sat in one and wondered if I'd stop before I hit the floor.


or at least his chair is.

After careful inspection we had to put him down.

R.I.P. Matt Wilson


Ralph, at GenCon you mentioned that you'd like it if someone more actively involved with the Forge took over custody of the chairs.  That's not going to be me for a few reasons (IPR's splitting off in 2009, plus, y'know, Maryland), but it strikes me that sooner is better than later for you to look for a new custodian.

Anyone care to take on the job? :)


I don't know whether that's really determinable until Ron's plans for the Forge Booth next year are solidified...and maybe not even until who the sponsors / participants are.

I will say that, barring a plan for some kind of mid year hand off, I can committ to getting the chairs to GenCon, but that I won't be taking them back with me.  I'm sure someone else will step up with a plan for the future so they don't get abandoned on the convention floor.