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The Story Tree, some upload advice (please)

Started by Matterhorn, August 22, 2008, 07:35:09 AM

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Hi -long time browser, first time poster.
I have been working on a bronze age pirates meets Lost low fantasy campaign for a while now. Yesterday I was struck by a bolt of inspiration and decided to write some rules for it instead of going off the shelf. I had a read of the Forum rules above and I am asking for some advice for a suitable website to post the text so that I can link to it here. It is about 10 pages in Open Office and I assume that a straight copy/paste is not the preferred way of doing it.
Climbing the Story Tree.

Dustin Bingham

Hey Matterhorn (what's your name, by the way?)

Have you looked into Google documents?
That might be a good place to write out your ideas.
Look forward to reading them!


Rob Donoghue

I ended up doing a site to answer exactly this question, so I'll point right to it:

Good luck, and feel free to follow up with any additional questions.

-Rob D.
Rob Donoghue
<B>Fate</B> -


Thanks alot guys. I will upload it this weekend.
My name is Matt Haines. Say it quick 3 times with a bad French accent and you get.....
Climbing the Story Tree.