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[ENnies] The ENnies are coming! The ENnies are coming!

Started by reveal, June 01, 2009, 06:42:25 PM

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As you well know, GenCon is right around the corner! And, of course, GenCon is where the ceremony for the ENnie Awards, the annual fan-based celebration of excellence in tabletop roleplaying gaming, is held. For more information about the ENnies, feel free to visit the official ENnies website.

This year, I have volunteered to work as the ENnies PR Representative to help answer questions people have about the ENnies as well as letting people know what's happening on the judges and coordinators side of things.

This year, we have five outstanding judges who have volunteered their time and efforts to make this 9th ENnie Awards a success. I cannot stress enough how time-consuming being a judge is and must commend each judge for donating his or her efforts to keep the RPG industry as fan-centered as it truly is.

Gertie Barden (Xath)The ENnie Awards -- Gertie Barden
Gertie has been gaming since high school and never sees herself stopping.  She has been working with the ENnies for three years now, and debuted as a judge in the 2008 season.

Kennon Bauman (The Universe)The ENnie Awards -- Kennon Bauman
My love of games and gaming was born when I first saw an ad for D&D on the back of a comic book. It wasn't until years later, when introduced to WEGs d6 Star Wars, that I really learned to roll the dice.

Chris Gath (Crothian)The ENnie Awards -- Chris Gath
I have been a Judge five times and a RPG reviewer for seven years.  I promise to treat books equally and not be swayed by flashy colored books or perfect looking hard bounds.  I look at each category and judge a book then solely on those merits.

Jody Kline (Rodrigo Istalindir)The ENnie Awards -- Jody Kline
A gamer for over a quarter of a century and a self-confessed systems-junkie, I have yet to meet a game I wouldn't play once.  Except for one that shall remain nameless, but you can guess what it is.  My philosophy is "It's the players, not the game."

Jeramy Ware (Master of the Game)The ENnie Awards -- Jeramy Ware
A gamer for 25 years, I served as a judge in 2007, receiving praise from publishers, fans, and other judges for my work and my blog documenting the process. I'll dedicate my group of experienced players to judge as much as we can through actual play.

The actual judging of products has not started but will very soon. How soon, you may ask? That would be as soon as tomorrow. That's right, the date for submissions ends today! If you have not submitted your product yet, you need to get it out the door and get the entry form to Denise Robinson as soon as possible. For more information, visit The ENnie Awards -- How To Enter.

Starting tomorrow, here is the order of events for what happens next:

  • Once the judges have evaluated the plethora of playable products, they will each submit a list of nominations.

    • That will eventually be pared down to the final list of nominees upon which the fans will vote.
  • Before they are announced, though, the fans will be asked to submit nominations for Best Publisher.
  • Once those nominations are in, all of the nominees will be announced on the official ENnie Awards website.
  • Two weeks later, the polls will be opened to the fans. One week later, they will close and the votes will be tallied.
  • The winners will be announced at GenCon during the ceremony on the evening of Friday, August 14th.
That's it for now. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. You can either post in this thread or e-mail me directly at tonylaw74 at gmail dot com. Thanks for all your support and I look forward to answering any questions I receive. :)

Tony Law
ENnie PR Representative


I'm confused; I thought today was the deadline for submissions. Why are you soliciting them on the last day for entry? :)


Quote from: iago on June 01, 2009, 07:01:59 PM
I'm confused; I thought today was the deadline for submissions. Why are you soliciting them on the last day for entry? :)

Today is the deadline. No more submissions will be accepted after today. I'm posting this today because this is my first "official" day as the PR Rep. :)

And, since I can't find the Modify button on my post, I need to update the info a bit:

Submissions may be sent to Hans Cummings, the Submissions Coordinator, instead of Denise Robinson, as listed above.