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[ENnies] Meet your 2010 ENnies judge nominees

Started by reveal, August 02, 2009, 07:24:13 PM

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The nominees for the 2010 ENnies judges are now online for you to look over! Please visit and study each nominee carefully as only five of them will judge next year's entries. I will update this thread later today once voting goes live.


Good evening!  My name is Mark Green and I'm a 2010 ENnies Judge candidate. 

I won't bother to re-post all my answers to the questionnaire here; you can view that online at

I will say that I'm strictly a hobby enthusiast and not an "industry guy."  In other words, gaming isn't part of my profession.  I don't write reviews for a living and I've never worked for a gaming company.  I play strictly for fun and have been gaming for 25 years, the last 10 of which have been with my current group.  Most of that time, I've been a GM, but I like to take a break as a player once in a while.

I've played alot of games along the way (including board games, miniatures, and card games).  My mainstay will always be fantasy RPG, with my original "Red Box" Basic D&D set and 3.5 OGL competing for favorite.  I also enjoy all things Star wars (WEG d6 and Saga).  Mouseguard is a recent favorite as well.

Even though I have my favorites, I will be open and objective as a Judge.  I love both the crunch and the flavor and like to see a nice balance between the two.  Originality is always appreciated, whether it is original mechanics, concepts, or even just an interesting twist on a staple concept.

I hope you take the opportunity to vote in the coming week, and especially that you decide to vote for me as a Judge for the 2010 ENnies.  For me, that would offer an awesome opportunity to give something back to the gaming community.



Hey all,

Like the others posting here, I am one of the Judge candidates as well. I have been gaming since I was nine years old and it has been my biggest hobby for all of those 21 years. I have always had a strong love for supers games but that won't prevent me from paying equal attention to everything that comes my way, and judging each product fairly on its own merits. I have never been one to shy away from any genre or system and I don't intend to start now. I know that the people behind the games put a lot of effort into what they create and I can say that I will put just as much into reviewing each product without any bias. I have almost no professional gaming experience outside of being a playtester for a couple systems, so my industry experience pretty much ends with being a retailer eight years ago in Coeur d'Alene, ID. Back then I had purchased a gaming store and ran it for one reason and one reason only: I love gaming.

The above paragraph had only two sentences that didn't start with "I..." so enough about me! The links have been posted but just in case you are digging through that list of names looking to find out more about me, I'm Justin Peters (friends call me Jay) and my page is here.

Thanks in advance to everyone that votes!


Hello, I'm Megan. I've been role-playing for over 30 years so it's time to put something back into the hobby & I'm standing as a candidate for ENnie Judge 2010.

Why me? Well, best way for you to decide is for you to see how I look at games. A teacher in 'real life,' I scurry home in the evening and work on my website - - here you will find many reviews. Have a look, and if you like the way I think, perhaps you might consider voting for me.

Irrespective, thank you for looking and for participating in the ENnies process!

Johnny Scott


My "real" name is Scott St. John, and I would appreciate it if you would vote for me for ENnie judge. I have been an avid RPGer/Wargamer for approximately 30 years, and I am a veteran of many different game systems, from 1E D&D to PFRPG, Champions to Mutants and Masterminds, Traveller (both incarnations), Star Wars (d6 and SAGA), Chill, Call of Cthulhu, and many more.

I have been obsessed with gaming for as long as I can remember, and look at the possibility of becoming an ENnie judge as my opportunity to give back to the gaming community by promoting those gaming products that are the most original and highest quality get the recognition they deserve.

You can vote and read more about me at the following URL:

Thank you for your time, and I hope you vote for Scott St. John for ENnie Judge!


Hello all,
My name is Sean D. Parker and I am in the running to be your 2010 ENnies Judge. I've been a gamer for 26 years. Gaming has played a big part in my life and I want to give something back to the hobby I enjoy so much.

You can read all about me here:

The ENnies are very important to the gaming community. It is you the fans that make a difference. Please take the time to participate by voting for next years judges. You can vote here:

Thank you for your consideration.


now that we're inthe final coupel days of voting for 2010 ENnies judges (voting ends Sunday), I wanted to take a minute and thank everyone for voting this year.  If you haven't voted yet, head over to and vote for me, Mark Green, and your other favorite candidates.

This has been alot of fun for me.  I've had a chance to get acquainted with some new forums and the posters have aksed some great questions.  Win or lose, I'm glad i had the opportunity to run this year and wish everyone good luck.



Just so. It's been a fascinating process, and one of the best bits has been finding several forums with interesting people in them.

If you haven't voted yet, please consider doing so; and if you have (irrespective if it was for me or not) thank you for participating in the ENnies process.


Thank you everyone who participated in the ENnies this year and voted. Good luck to my fellow judge nominees.


The results have now been announced. Thank you to all who participated.

The 2010 ENnies Judges are: -

1. Justin 'Jay' Peters
2. Jeramy Ware
3. Mark W. Green
4. Christopher W. Richeson
5. Megan Robertson

Still startled... didn't think I had a chance!