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A quick question about the Indie RPG Bookshelf

Started by Eero Tuovinen, January 13, 2010, 05:48:17 PM

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Eero Tuovinen

I'm finally laying out my World of Near in pdf form, and at this point it seems that the pdf file will be somewhat too large for distribution as a simple email attachment, which was our method with the Solar System pdf, earlier. Looking into the various technological alternatives to email attachments, I remembered a somewhat obscure period of Forge history, the Indie RPG Bookshelf.

Does anybody know whether the Bookshelf is still functional? Who's responsible for its maintenance, Vincent? Can I get new product into it? For all I know the Bookshelf might be doing swell, and I'm just out of the loop - I've never been very involved with the pdf side of indie distribution myself. In this case the Bookshelf might be exactly what I'm looking for here, as it'd take care of the hassle with customer identities and passwords for me, freeing me from making up a similar system just for the one or two pdf products I'm selling.
Blogging at Game Design is about Structure.
Publishing Zombie Cinema and Solar System at Arkenstone Publishing.

Moreno R.

I logged to the bookshelf a couple of minutes ago, and I downloaded another copy of a pdf I already brought, so it's working at least.

I replied to this thread to add that it's a pity that more author don't sell their pdfs using the bookshelf: it's very useful as a one-way stop to keep current on new games or new versions of games I already have., it's a backup in case something happen to the hard disk where I keep the pdf (or if I can't find a little pdf in hundreds of file). W the Forge Bookshelf!

(Excuse my errors, English is not my native language. I'm Italian.)

Ben Lehman

I use the bookshelf for my PDF distribution. It has some clunky interface bits but it works admirably.
