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Ygg Demonic Corruption

Started by Christoffer Lernö, October 05, 2002, 10:55:52 AM

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Christoffer Lernö

Chris, you're starting to get it. Being a Sorcerer is a little like walking around with a nuclear backpack powering your superpowers or something. If you keep it charged, it's gonna be bad for you. You use it, it's gonna be bad for you. But it's very powerful, not less so as a deterrent.

As for the actual mechanics to handle taint, I already have a few versions, I don't worry so much about that.

What I'm worrying about is how much the deterrent (mutagenic stuff) is going to reduce the enjoyment for the players. (See the first post ;) )
formerly Pale Fire
[Yggdrasil (in progress) | The Evil (v1.2)]
Ranked #1005 in meaningful posts
Indie-Netgaming member

Kester Pelagius

Quote from: Pale FireChris, you're starting to get it. Being a Sorcerer is a little like walking around with a nuclear backpack powering your superpowers or something. If you keep it charged, it's gonna be bad for you. You use it, it's gonna be bad for you. But it's very powerful, not less so as a deterrent.

(Chuckling)  That certainly clarifies matters.

Quote from: Pale FireAs for the actual mechanics to handle taint, I already have a few versions, I don't worry so much about that.

What I'm worrying about is how much the deterrent (mutagenic stuff) is going to reduce the enjoyment for the players. (See the first post ;) )

Only one way to find out about that, I think.  Get a group together and play test the mechanics you have.  Or find people willing to try out your system and give you feed back.

Look at it this way.  Spelljammer looked like an awesome game, in the box.  But when you actually sat down to play it... well... Need I say any more?  ;)

What you have so far does sound good though.
"The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis." -Dante Alighieri

Christoffer Lernö

Unfortunately I don't have a group here in Taiwan (here to study chinese), so I'm thinking of different venues to play it. One might be free form just to get a feel of the world, another, a little later might be run over chat or something.

I had an idea on how to solve the taint problem in another thread, look here for it.

Spelljammers: Never played it but I saw the ads for the box if that helps? :)
formerly Pale Fire
[Yggdrasil (in progress) | The Evil (v1.2)]
Ranked #1005 in meaningful posts
Indie-Netgaming member