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Spawning question.

Started by Fabrice G., October 21, 2002, 09:14:17 PM

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Fabrice G.


in an old thread, Ron clarified part of the question. But there's still one remaining unclear thing.

Can the spawning demon produce spawn with a power total equal to his own at once, or is it the total power of all the spawn he has created so far that matter ?

Thanks a lot,


Ron Edwards

Hi there,

Don't have the book on me, and that's one of the rules that flexed a lot right up to production, so this answer is provisional ...

As I recall, the intent was that a demon could Spawn one spawnling, with Power equal to its own, but that as long as that one was extant, no more Spawn could be made. Or, for that matter, say the demon's Power is 8; it can Spawn eight little Spawnlings with Power 1 (or two with Power 2 and four with Power 1, etc).


Fabrice G.

Thanks Ron,

that clarify the things for me. That rule will become very important in the next game I'll run, as it is the central concept of the begining demon  of one of my player ( the character kicker is based around the pregnancy of a woman his parasite demon impregnated (sp?), and the desire of the demon is to propagate himself to cause mayhem).

More about that when it become actual play...


Ron Edwards

Hi Fabrice,

You might consider that Spawn may not be the appropriate ability for such a demon, and check out some of the ideas about demon reproduction in The Sorcerer's Soul instead.


Fabrice G.

Hi Ron,

thanks for the hint (pun intended).

Unfortunately, I won't use that with the (mini-)group I was playing with as the first session was also the last.

I won't expend that over here, as it belongs to actual play, but I'll post about it when I'll feel able to (don't want to bug everyone with my personnal problems).

Anyway, I'll definitely consider the spawn/reproductive issue more closely because it really appeals to me, in that scary/horror kind of way.
