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[Charnel Gods] Now available

Started by Ron Edwards, November 05, 2002, 11:27:31 PM

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Ron Edwards

Hi there,

Charnel Gods is available for purchase at the Sorcerer site.



Rev. Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan
Wild Hunt Studio


Hey all,

Charnel Gods is indeed ready to rock and roll.  In fact, some of you are already jammin' with it.  This thing is cool as hell, but for those who remained unconvinced, here's what you get:

- A grim cosmology totally unlike anything you've seen before.
 - The Fell Weapons - the most powerful magical items ever.
 - Rules for creating (and destroying) Epochs - fully realized pulp fantasy settings within the greater meta-setting of Naur Tier.
 - The Inheritance Rules, so that while Heroes may come and go, the players' gains need not.
 - Advice for staging a better Doomsday.
 - Sample Fell Weapons, Heroes, Nameless, Ancients, and Bygones, as well as rules for creating your own.
 - Profusely illustrated by veteran Sorcerer artist Jeremy McHugh and newcomers Malachi Penney and Dave Hendee.
 - 51 pages, all layed out for you by the great Matt Snyder.
 - 2.7 meg.

Charnel Gods can be purchased">here.  If you've already seen it, let me and everyone else know what you think.

Take care,

Andy Kitkowski

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, boy.  Sounds incredible.

My money is yours.
The Story Games Community - It's like RPGNet for small press games and new play styles.

Paul Czege


What's the delay on promoting Charnel Gods at, Gaming Outpost, and

My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans



As you well know, I have some plans for (and the other sites) which include press releases, eventually a review or two, and scouring the forums for opportunities to plug Charnel Gods.  But I'm holding off on the media blitz until Monday.

It's not my main reason for doing so, but I kinda' like the idea that The Forge got a few days jump on the rest of the internet.

Anyone out there with clever promotional ideas, let loose.  I'm listening.

- Scott


I've just finished reading Charnel Gods and I say bravo!  It provides an awesome realization of demon's as weapons.  The Carrion Grounds images send shivers down my conceptual spine.  The prospect of creating more than one epoch through the course of a campaign appeals to my world-builder impulse - I think it'll appeal to many others as well.

Good job.  

Now to find some players . . .
- Alan

A Writer's Blog:

Spooky Fanboy


Charnel Gods is good, damn good. Now all I need is someone to PLAY THE FRIGGIN' GAME and I'd be oh-so-very happy.

Sadly, the players in my area are timid, hidebound souls, and my ability to coordinate an online game borders on nonexistent, so...
Proudly having no idea what he's doing since 1970!