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Started by ShaneNINE, November 25, 2002, 01:53:50 PM

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The book mentions a weapon called a cloak? What is that?
::: Shane


If I had to guess (which I do, since I don't own the book) I would say that it's referring to using a cloak as an entangling weapon - either tangle up the opponent's sword, or throw it over the opponent's head.


There are pretty nice rules for Cloaks as a weapon in GURPS.  I'll do some simple translation into TRoS rules (which are much better combat rules).

A heavy cloak (eg wool) provides light armor (AV 1?) and can be used as a shield to Block.  A slash for DR 2 above the AV would render it useless as a shield.

It can be used to attack with the Toss maneuver (you don't need to let go).

It may also be used to Entangle.  There are no rules for this yet that I know of.  Would someone like to write some and post them to:  ?

A light cloak (eg cotton or silk) provides no armor protection.  It can also be used for Blocks.  A slash for DR 2 would shred it, and puncture attacks would probably lose 1 DR and just go through it.

It can also be used to Toss.

It is superior to a heavy cloak for Entangles.

Gene Ha
Ceci n'est pas un sig file.

Mike Holmes

Cool. I think that you could probably treat an entangling attack as a bind. Perhaps with even more risk/reward. A difficult maneuver with a high TN, but with potentially high return; say two times successes are subtracted from the opponent's pool? Thus with a really excetptionally good roll, the opponent may be completely taken out, being totally pinned by the cloak.

It's good that we talk about this, because I was hoping to have rules for nets in combat as well.

Member of Indie Netgaming
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Quote from: ShaneNINEThe book mentions a weapon called a cloak? What is that?
Well, it's just like a cloak, only...
okay, so it's a cloak.  You wear it.  You throw it over your enemy.  It's good stuff.
Lance Meibos
Insanity takes it's toll.  Please have exact change ready.

Get him quick!  He's still got 42 hit points left!

Jake Norwood


Great rules. I've got my own coming up for TFOB, but for now yours will do, I think.

"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." -R.E. Howard The Tower of the Elephant