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Editor Wanted

Started by Michael Hopcroft, March 25, 2003, 06:54:51 AM

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Michael Hopcroft

I have inmmediate need for a volunteer editor (this project won;t generate muhc money) to do the grunt work of transforming a document cut-and-asted from Acrobat into a coherent Word file. Basically I need specific chapters to match specific chapterts in a previous book (the Acrobat file in question). I will supply the Acrobat file, a complete game, as compensation and also as a working basis. I have also made a few corrections to the file, but first it must be rendered coherent.

This job must be done quickly. Whoever does it will have credit in the final book as "associate editor" because I'm sure the main editing will be done elsewhere. Bascially the corrected draft will be supplied to my collaborator, who will help me by inserting relevant rules material, and then sent back for final editing, art and layout.

I will also need art for this project, so anyone who can draw in the shoujo style and wants cheap publicity (as opposed to massive quaities of money) is welcome to contact me as well.
Michael Hopcroft Press: Where you go when you want something unique!


I'm up for your cut-and-paste job.  I can start working on it at 1:30pm today PST!
--- Jonathan N.
Currently playtesting Frankenstein's Monsters


I'm available too, if you'd like to have a second set of eyes look it over.
