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Rules-lite = story? (split from Storyteller Heartbreakers)

Started by Jason Lee, March 31, 2003, 04:34:41 AM

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Matt Machell

One of the things about storyteller is that its golden rule "if you don't like it ignore it", causes the game to drift to a particular groups prefered play style.

Lots of people play storyteller in a narativist fashion (ie exploring a thematic question) by relying heavily on this golden rule (I know, I've done it). The game they're playing is based solely on social contract (often unspokenly so), the rulebook's constant references to theme and mood, and not on the actual rules at all. If they try to use the rules as written, then they get in the way, so they just ignore them.

The problem is that lots of groups drift the game in other directions, and you only notice this if you move between groups. This is most noticeable if you play in the LARP version, where flitting between groups even within the same umberalla organisation, completely different play styles are in evidence.
