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Horror Games

Started by Paganini, March 31, 2003, 05:48:56 PM

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Bob McNamee

I think the game needs more moments and scenes of quiet investigation to offer up the  "What going on? How do we stop this?" Where you are relatively safe...and can engage in things like " 'comforting' your girlfriend" for the Punk, or Lifeguard Bimbo takes long shower to wash off Cop's blood ... that can come back to haunt you later...

A vampire slasher film would have this by daylight hours.

We were running out of time and coping with attacks too much to find out about and go to seal up whatever needed doing.

We had this getting the boat in session 1...but obviously time demands are a problem sometimes. We played a long time, and it would have extended things way more to do the 'whole thing'

That said, it still ended in a good Evil Dead -like person escapes...and the Evil is still unresolved.
Bob McNamee
Indie-netgaming- Out of the ordinary on-line gaming!

M. J. Young

Red Rover.

British Bulldog.

Set up the game so that[list=1][*]Every time a PC is killed, the player becomes part of the killing team; and [*]The fewer PC's there are, the harder they are to kill.[/list:o]
I think that would solve it.

--M. J. Young