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Are You A Geek? (my first attempt at rpg design)

Started by Little_Rat, April 22, 2003, 09:25:43 PM

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Inspired by the 24 hour games, I dug into my old research files from a sociology project and came up with Geeks: The RPG [1]. It'll be a bit of a slow download, since I can't convert things to PDF and I use geocities as my server (yes, bad little rat, very bad little rat).

But have fun and tell me what you think. This is my first RPG so be kind, lol. You might have to right click and save, not sure.

Oh, and do I have to put a copywright or anything on it? I did put by so and so...

[1]y'know, the bespectacled guys who like computers, not circus freaks.

Mike Holmes

First, that took a looong time to download. And it's not my end. Geocities, while free is a pain. Sorry.

Anyhow, I like the basic central mechanic in principle. I'm just not sure exactly how it works. And that's after reading it and the example (which seems to die out midway in the description) repeatedly.

For example, it looks to me like you could go on forever getting more an more hubris without any negative repercussions. There was a mention of snapping, but I think I must have missed that part.

Anyhow, needs some more organization or explanation before I'd continue discussing it. Which I'd encourage you to do.

Member of Indie Netgaming
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Thanks. Actually, I was thinking of ditching the whole mechanics and just use the descriptions of the factions as World of Darkness junk. Dunno, it just sort of got weirded out. Thanks for looking at my first piece, I've never done this before so I guess I need to neaten it up and everything. But again, thanks.

BTW, any good hosting places?


I will second Mike's organizational comments.  A better organization will mke things a little easier to understand.

My bggest question is I am not sure why you have a set of points in Part one of character creation AND then ten more points in part two to buy what appears to be the same thing. So that seemed a little superfilous.

Otherwise the concept is intriguing and I kind of like the Real Genius feel to it.



Well, you had a limited set of points for part one and then ten points to put wherever you wanted later on. Dunno. I was trying to build Geeks on the White Wolf/Storyteller system (you get certain points to spend, then freebies wherever you want at a certain cost) but I guess I botched the execution. I'll work on that too. Thanks.


Ok that does make a little more sense. Honestly though I think you could combine the two steps and be fine. It might flow a bit better and be a bit cleaner.
