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Sponsorship page?

Started by Michael Hopcroft, April 10, 2003, 03:23:06 AM

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Michael Hopcroft

I was wondering if anyone has ever tried raising money for layout and printing costs for their book by taking sponsors ala online comic strips?

My idea was to take donations at my website and then put the names of people who donated $25 or more in the book on a special sponsors page, as well as sending them a free PDF of the finished product.

Is this as totally absurd an idea as it sounds? would anyone buy into this?
Michael Hopcroft Press: Where you go when you want something unique!

Clinton R. Nixon


Actually, I think the Glorantha Trading Association does this. Good idea.
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games

Michael Hopcroft

I now have three books you can sponsor!

1. HeartQuest 2nd Edition
2. HeartQuest Diceless
3. Ghost Tamer Miyaki Sourcebook

So far nobody has steppened forward, and as of 4/16/2003 the sponsorship page for HeartQuest Diceless isn't up. But if you've ever wanted to concretely support Seraphim Guard's publishing efforts, this is a way to do it.

The question is whether anyone will. I may end up going to all this trouble and getting nothing for my efforts. But if I don't try, I don't succeed. (Of course, if I don't try I don't fail either, but what's life without risk?)
Michael Hopcroft Press: Where you go when you want something unique!


Quote from: Michael HopcroftSo far nobody has steppened forward, and as of 4/16/2003 the sponsorship page for HeartQuest Diceless isn't up. But if you've ever wanted to concretely support Seraphim Guard's publishing efforts, this is a way to do it.

The question is whether anyone will. I may end up going to all this trouble and getting nothing for my efforts. But if I don't try, I don't succeed. (Of course, if I don't try I don't fail either, but what's life without risk?)

You may get more donations if you offer more than just a PDF.  Look at it this way:  if they donate $25, they get a $20 book and pay $5 to be credited as a sponsor.  I think more people would do that rather than pay $25 to get a $10 PDF and pay $15 to get credited as a sponsor.
--- Jonathan N.
Currently playtesting Frankenstein's Monsters

Michael Hopcroft

Quote from: quozl

You may get more donations if you offer more than just a PDF.  Look at it this way:  if they donate $25, they get a $20 book and pay $5 to be credited as a sponsor.  I think more people would do that rather than pay $25 to get a $10 PDF and pay $15 to get credited as a sponsor.

I chose the PDF for one reason -- ease of delivery and ease of delivery alone. Sending out Print-On-Demand books from any sort of preorder through RPGNow is a logistical nightmare (apparently they are not equipped to send out print books as comps yet, which si essentially what I would be doing).

I only hope this objection has not killed all interest in sponsorship. I'm wondering now if I should give up on the idea entirely -- but the money would help me out a lot when it comes to thinks like paying for layout, printing, etc.
Michael Hopcroft Press: Where you go when you want something unique!


Quote from: Michael HopcroftI only hope this objection has not killed all interest in sponsorship. I'm wondering now if I should give up on the idea entirely -- but the money would help me out a lot when it comes to thinks like paying for layout, printing, etc.

I wonder if people compare the amount they are sponsoring with what they are getting and just feel that it's not worth it.  Also, a lot of people just don't like PDFs so when they compare the value of what they are getting, they come up really short.

I hope the sponsorship works for you!
--- Jonathan N.
Currently playtesting Frankenstein's Monsters

Michael Hopcroft

Quote from: quozlI wonder if people compare the amount they are sponsoring with what they are getting and just feel that it's not worth it.  Also, a lot of people just don't like PDFs so when they compare the value of what they are getting, they come up really short.

I hope the sponsorship works for you!

So far it hasn't. There has not been a bite yet. Further, I am convinced there will not be. The only response has been negative.

This is too bad, because I really need to raise money to pay for the books.

Going out  of business is starting to look pretty good right now.
Michael Hopcroft Press: Where you go when you want something unique!

Michael Hopcroft

Well, I have yet to hear one positive word about the sponsorhip program. In fact, outside this forum I haven't heard anything, and what I've heard from here is that I'm either doing it wrong or shouldn't be doing it at all.

Should I drop the option from my web pages and just forget about the whole idea? Should I go even further and start canceling projects?
Michael Hopcroft Press: Where you go when you want something unique!

Ron Edwards

Hi Michael,

This whole thread slipped past my radar screen somehow.

I think the sponsorship is a good idea, and will be heading to the page soon myself. By "soon" I mean days, not minutes, so please do not barrage me with reminders.

Also, please try not to ask fundamental policy questions like "should I stay in business" or "should I cancel projects." The whole point of the Forge is that you make those decisions yourself. We can only offer fellow war stories or impressions or data.


Michael Hopcroft

Your objection is noted -- to the self-depracating comments, that si. I have got to stop doing that. It's a filthy habit, it's a symptom of something I'd rather were not a part of myself, and i should exorcise it from ym personality.

When S. John Ross accepted my tentative invitation to technocon it should have swept away everything else negative I have experienced all day. I need something good in my life, and the only one who's going to provide it is ME! I am going to do this! I am going to be all the publisher I can be! I WILL NOT ONLY SURVIVE BUT PROSPER!
Michael Hopcroft Press: Where you go when you want something unique!

Michael Hopcroft

Just as a footnote: soon after I posted my last post in this topic, I received my first sponsrship -- a $30 payment towards the publication of HeartQuest Diceless. So at least one person has bought into the idea now.

A couple more of these, combined with my next RPGNow payment, will ensure that the book gets printed (I was assuming I'd have to do a PDF-only release).
Michael Hopcroft Press: Where you go when you want something unique!