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For those who are about to design...we salute you

Started by Gold Rush Games, May 06, 2003, 01:29:37 AM

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Gold Rush Games

For those looking for freely available material to draw inspiration from or perhaps even to use directly in your own product, we submit the Action! System. Version 1.1 of the Core Rules have recently been released as Open Content (under the OGL).

 You can mix and match text from the Action! System Core Rules with that of other Open Content or free game systems, incorporate Action! System text into your own, original rules set, or use the Action! System as the defacto rules for your product. It's up to you.

 But no matter how you slice it, it comes up FREE! :)

Kester Pelagius


Just to put in my 2 cents, for what it's worth, I submitted an review earlier to The Forge about this very system.  (Look up, middle hot link betwen Articles and Resource Library.  I almost forgot it was there myself.)  If it gets accepted you can find it there.  If it doesn't get accepted you can enter your own review.

To summarize:  Nice and crunchy system with a "pulpy cinematic" feel that provides a foundational template upon which you can build your very own game.  Might not suit everyone's tastes, then again neither does bree, but it's good to know it's there if you need it.

And, just so you know, I am not affiliated in any way with GRG.  (Unless I incur their wrath, then I'll be the fast moving blur moving toward that country without extradition in the opposite direction of the mob of angry lawyer types. ;) )  But, like the man said. . .

Quote from: Gold Rush Gamesno matter how you slice it, it comes up FREE! :)

Which means you can take it or leave it.

On the Indie front, the "Campaign Levels" might be of interest as a background mechanic with potential for setting dials/channels which establish the tone and flavor within your games.  Very cinematic.

Kind Regards,

Kester Pelagius
"The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis." -Dante Alighieri

Mike Holmes

Look forward to the review.

I think as far as designing under an OGL that one could do far worse than using Action! Especially, as pointed out, for pulp or action sorts of games. Has some very nice features, and avoids some nasty pitfalls.

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.

Delmer Esau

Quote from: Gold Rush GamesFor those looking for freely available material to draw inspiration from or perhaps even to use directly in your own product, we submit the Action! System. Version 1.1 of the Core Rules have recently been released as Open Content (under the OGL).

 You can mix and match text from the Action! System Core Rules with that of other Open Content or free game systems, incorporate Action! System text into your own, original rules set, or use the Action! System as the defacto rules for your product. It's up to you.

 But no matter how you slice it, it comes up FREE! :)

You're on.

I'm actually quoted on a nearby thread as wanting a cinematic feel to Machina, and was aiming for that with the system, but why waste time when I could be doing the stuff I enjoy? With Action! I can skip system design while focusing on my true love, the fiction, the characters, the clockwork creatures, and the struggle involving the Machine God.

Of course I'll have to tweak the system, but from what I'm reading here and in the RpgNet review, apparently you guys don't have the same stick that Wizards have up y... ahem.

This is really cool, but man do I have studying to do. Action! has a lot going on under the surface.

Any ETA on the developers guide? (something that WotC seems unwilling to provide? Unless I missed it)
Delmer Esau

Owner, editor, writer, and web dude.
Black Powder Games

Gold Rush Games

I'm running behind on a few projects right now, the ASDG among them. I hope to have it done in a week or two, however.