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trollbabe one-session adventures

Started by Matt Wilson, May 22, 2003, 04:24:50 PM

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Ron Edwards

Hi Wilhelm,

I just checked the rules to be sure, and yes, the Consequences are actually potentially not the same thing as the Stakes. The Stakes are what one or more people are striving for; the Consequences name what will or will not happen to someone or something.

Stakes = pot of buried treasure, including people who know about it or who are unfortunately living on it

Consequences = name any person involved, possibly even including someone who's not invested in the Stakes, and name at least two possible concrete outcomes for them (freedom/slavery, death/life, etc)

(as Scale goes up, substitute any applicable term for "person" above)

As for Modifiers, yeah, I was reachin' a little. I'm thinking of redoing the Modifier placement-rules for Adventures anyway.



Quote from: Ron EdwardsI just checked the rules to be sure, and yes, the Consequences are actually potentially not the same thing as the Stakes. The Stakes are what one or more people are striving for; the Consequences name what will or will not happen to someone or something.

Um, okay, because the glossary says "Consequences: the fate of the designated Stakes (persons, places, or things) as determined by the events of an Adventure."  I also see on page 7 "Consquences are how the conflict at hand turns out: the resulting status of the Stakes and the fates of everyone involved".

I apologize in advance for persnickity hair-splitting, I'm afraid that's just my nature.  It's just that my reading of the text in the rules left me with what I felt was a very solid understanding of Stakes and Consequences, and now I'm all a tizzy over the distinction you are trying to draw here, which I'm afraid I still don't fully grasp.

Ron Edwards

Hi Wilhelm,

You, a persnickety hair-splitter? Never! I wouldn't say so. Not me. Anyone think that Wilhelm's a ... Guys? Where'd you go, guys?

I was going by page 34, actually, in which Consequences are defined as "what happens" regarding someone(s) in the scenario. I agree that the Glossary is more specific, and now I'm thinking perhaps it's too specific. Clearly, prep and play are easiest when the Stakes are one thing and the Consequences concern the fate of that same thing. Feel free to stick with that in play and to be happy with it. I tend to play a little more subtle with the person(s) whose Fate is really up for grabs, more in line with my example above.

Oh, and one more thing about this - I see the Consequences as strictly a GM-tool. Playing Trollbabe as "Guess who the GM put up for grabs in this scenario" isn't what I had in mind for the game.  
