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Sex & Sorcery update

Started by Ron Edwards, May 21, 2003, 04:12:30 PM

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Jeffrey Straszheim

It's Here!!!!!

Only glanced through it, but visually this is the best one yet.  The graphics and art are darn good.  BTW, the character sheet shown there, is that available as a PDF somewhere?

Oh, and I love the weird fonts in the relationship maps.

Some of those picture are, uh ... disturbing.

Well, now I guesss I better go read this thing :)
Jeffrey Straszheim

Ron Edwards


I am very, very happy to read this. All comments are welcome!

Um, those ain't relationship maps, by the way; those are dice diagrams for action-resolution techniques. A forgivable error at first glance.

The character sheets are available at Ben Morgan's site, from this page.


Nev the Deranged

Yellow?  You went with yellow??  What kind of color is yellow for either sex OR sorcery?  Black, blue, magenta, purple, green, all good sexy, sorcerous colors.  But yellow?

That said, my mouse is hovering over the Buy button in anticipation of Friday's paycheck.

But yellow?

Maurice Forrester

Quote from: Nev the Deranged
Yellow?  You went with yellow??  What kind of color is yellow for either sex OR sorcery?

Maybe Ron thinks of I Am Curious Yellow as a Sorcerer story?
Maurice Forrester

Ron Edwards

Perhaps "yellow" is not the right term. It is a warm, mellow, pleasant, and warming gold.

It also stands out like a bastard on the shelf.


Jason L Blair

Quote from: Ron EdwardsIt also stands out like a bastard on the shelf.

Almost as if you planned it that way....
Jason L Blair
Writer, Game Designer

Paul Czege

Hey Ron,

It is a warm, mellow, pleasant, and warming gold.

The">scan of the cover on the Adept Press website is distinctly puke yellow. And I've been thinking this was a tour de force of color selection, actually, so very evocative in my mind of bad sex...

My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans

Ron Edwards

Hey! I just remembered that I don't have to be Ron the Reasonable Forge Moderator in this forum.

It's Yellow! Bright Yellow! Very very Yellow!

So there!

Oh yeah, and Paul, I guess that just means you'll have to buy the book to compare with the scan.


I feel much better.

Nev the Deranged


You GO boy... don't let us heathens talk down to ya. =>

It's not like you won't extract your vengeance for any ill words from our pocketbooks when we buy the horrid yellow tome anyway =P

Although if it's actually gold in person, that's not so bad.  As long as the print isn't yellow.  Cuz then it would be, y'know, hard to read an' stuff.  Cuz it'd be yellow.
