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Characters made for RoS

Started by Bankuei, June 17, 2002, 02:10:22 AM

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Sometimes you just see a character that simply must exist in RoS...
Consider this thread a mix of RoS reading/viewing + characters who fit the RoS world real well...

From Takehiko Inoue's Vagabond, a comic based off Eiji Yoshikawa's Musashi novel.  It's rather interesting to watch Takezo evolve into Musashi through the series.

Takezo Shinmen(later to become Miyamoto Musashi)

Takezo is a wild youth, angry, brash and dangerous.  His father, a wartime general had left him after his mother died.  Takezo has spent countless hours in the mountains, surviving off of bugs, birds and bark.  Fearless, crude, and vicious, he's likened to a beast by more than a few who face him.  

At the age of 12 he fought a skilled swordsman and killed him.  His bloodthirstiness has not diminished, but simply grown in the face of adversity. Takezo had fought in the battle of Sekigahara with his best friend Matahachi, both of whom survived and struggled to make their way back to Miyamoto village.

Philosophy-"To cut and to be cut down, that is my destiny"

Drive-Defeat all challengers to be the best swordsman
Passion-Matahachi(Loyalty & friendship)
Destiny-To become a Kensei(swordsaint)
Conscience-At the beginning of his career, Takezo has no conscience
Luck-The Devil's Luck

A-Attributes(based off Yone, not Tengoku)

ST-7 AG-5 TO-5 EN-5 HT-5
WP-6 WIT-5 MA-3 SOC-1 PER-5

7 Longsword(or whatever you're using for katana)
2 Puglism

C-Skills 7/7
3 extra skill ranks: Survival, Camoflage, Intimidate

D-Low Freeman
Bastard son of a general


F--Major Flaw, Bloodthirsty
    Minor Flaw, Bad Reputation

Anyone else got any historical/ficitional characters of note?



Here is my attempt to make The Gray Mouser of Fritz Leiber's sword and sorcery novels, as a starting TRoS character. If I actually had a chance to play (I will probably GM it soon, but I can't imagine anyone else in my group running it) I would probably play a character like this... TRoS is the best match for Leiber's brand of fantasy I've seen.

A. Proficencies
     Rapier - 8
      (grants defaults Dagger - 6, Brawling - 6, Wrestling - 5)
     Thrown Knife - 4
     Sling - 2
B. Attributes
      Strength 3, Agility 7, Endurance 4, Toughness 4, Health 4
      Willpower 3, Wit 5, Mental Aptitude 5, Social 4, Perception 4
Spiritual Attributes
      Conscience 1
      Drive (Prove himself most cunning) 2
      Luck 2
      Passion (Friendship with Fafhrd) 2
C. Skills
      Thief packet taken twice.
      Bonus skills from MA are: Acrobatics, Juggling, Ridicule,
       Swimming and Sincerity.
D. Social Class
      Low Freeman. (Started as rural orphan, wealth fluctuated over
       the course of his career but tended to average around this level.)
E. Gifts/Flaws
      Greed (a more broad-minded but less focused unscrupulousness
       than as written in the book), Accuracy (minor)