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Started by Hayslin, May 28, 2003, 08:55:53 PM

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Spooky Fanboy

I'm not sure I understand the combat example. The cop dodged, so it was easier to hit him? Aiming makes it more difficult? What are you adding to, the score, or the roll? Also, when do you simply miss? Is there a botch mechanic?

Also, is there anyway to use magic on it's own, or does it only augment your abilities?

Sorry for the billet a deux approach to these questions, but these were the first ones that came to mind.
Proudly having no idea what he's doing since 1970!


Big Mistake in the combat example, sorry, been very busy and didn't have time to think it through.  I'll fix it and repost it.

Spooky Fanboy

What I think I was trying to say in that last post was, "Can you give us a rundown of the mechanics, as not everyone has access to Alternity?"

However, my big question, what about the magic?

Does magic cost the character anything? In Mage (to use an example only), you get Paradox and Quiet,  the first being reality striking back and having fun with you, the second being stress on the psyche from bending reality. In this game, what's to stop the PCs from using magic as a dessert topping and a floorwax? Is there some fuel you have to get? Is it just a skill, like anything else? Does it involve negotiating with other powers, like Sorcerer?

What is the setting like? How much has magic changed it?

What I'm trying to say with this post is, don't get caught in the Mage trap of coming up with cool ideas for how the world works, and then get stuck trying to shoehorn the coolness into mechanics that might not completely fit. In the case of modern-magic style games, it's better to think of what you want to happen first, then make the mechanics so that's what can happen.
Proudly having no idea what he's doing since 1970!

Sage Kain

To say the least, I like the premise, I like the styling, but I have to say that there is a bit of confusion as to how the mechanics work. As i was reading, I saw and understood the values that were given, but how do they work, what determines these values? I guess I am just echoing everyone else when I am asking for a little bit more on the actual mechanics of the game. Other than that, I do really see something in this creation of yours, keep it up.

Thanks in advance
in everything there is nothing and in nothing there is everything...look for it...or it will miss you...


For the record, values are as follows: Amazing is haslf of the Good and Good is half of the Ordinary, always rounded down. And values are determined by you Base Attribute and the amount of points you have pumped into the skill.  The fixed rules will be released with the Quick-play
(so sorry this is late)


Sorry for the lack in updates.  my computer crashed and the latest system restore was before i did all this. I was about 90% through it and i crashed, so i had to re-install a few things, and moving is a pain in the butt, so, sorry, and it should be up soon.


Quote from: Spooky FanboyDoes magic cost the character anything? In Mage (to use an example only), you get Paradox and Quiet,  the first being reality striking back and having fun with you, the second being stress on the psyche from bending reality. In this game, what's to stop the PCs from using magic as a dessert topping and a floorwax? Is there some fuel you have to get? Is it just a skill, like anything else? Does it involve negotiating with other powers, like Sorcerer?

What is the setting like? How much has magic changed it?
eek.  good question.  i will have to sit and ponder on this.