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Returning to the Pagoda: Whole bunch of new stuff!

Started by Jeph, June 24, 2003, 08:56:34 PM

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Pagoda, a game of Wuxia martial arts, was originally discussed in this thread. It's been on the back burner for a while, but recently I've come back to it with some new ideas and developments, and request a bit more help with a few other facets. But first...


A brief development history:
-- Started out as a narrativist-leaning l5r clone
-- Changed the Elements from air/earth/fire/water/spirit to the more traditional water/fire/earth/wood/metal
-- Changed Void Points to Chi
-- Combined The Path of the Sorcerer and The Path of the Shaman
-- The Path of the Magi turned into The Path of the Sage
-- Added in an advancement mechanic aside from amassing Chi
-- Added in a section on NPCs.


And now, the new stuff:
-- Altered the Difficulty tables so they didn't refer to impossible actions, which are now covered under Amazing Feats (see Inner Strength, below)
-- Added in Inner Strength, and under that Amazing Feats, Kata, and Virtue from Fault. Inner Strength rolls are basically normal, but instead of using element+aspect+path they use current Chi+element, aspect, or path. Amazing feats include flying and stuff, Kata is a way to power up combat rolls, and Virtue from Fault is a way to power up any roll by using your Flaw creatively.
-- Added in Relics of Power, or magic items, and under that Assisting Items (which basically add dice to a roll, like a magic sword) and Capability Items (which give a character a new power, like jade weapons grant the ability to harm evil spirits).
-- A system for giving out extra Chi at the end of a session, inspired by Michael S. Miller's post about his wife's mage game near the end of this thread.


And what I want to add and request help with:
-- Creatures! does anyone have information on traditional Chinese or Japanese spirits, malign and helpful? How about some of their monsters of lore (aside from Godzilla & co.)? Messengers of divinity? Fu dogs/cats? Dragons?
-- A few ready-made magic items, preferably traditional ones. Does anyone have information about the use of Ofudas in Wuxia (or maybe even some anime/manga), the Nine Ring Sword, Jade, Obsidian, etc?
-- Setting information, although this can wait a bit.


I can email the .pdf in its current state to anyone who asks. Unfortunately, I don't have a web sight to put it up on, and lost my Yahoo group for things like this (sad, I know. How do you lose a web sight?). Any help with spirits, dragons etc and traditional enchanted items is greatly appreciated!
Jeffrey S. Schecter: Pagoda / Other



here are a few pages with tidbits of info...i'm sure there are more out there.  Back in the day, I seem to remember the game Bushido having a fairly decent amount of Japanese creatures detailed in the books.

anywho, here you go:  (might have to dig around...)

I wonder how the world sees us...
rich beyond compare,
powerful without equal,
a spoiled drunk 15 year old
waving a gun in their face.

"Long Long Time", Guy Forsyth


Wow, great links! I've only looked over the first one so far, but It's given me enough info to write up Tengu/Kenku, Ghosts, and Kappa. For the perusal of the public...

Elements: s/1: water, metal; h/2: fire, earth; m/3: wood
Aspects: a/1: presence, power; s/2: cunning, awareness; p/3: grace
Paths: f/1: beast, spirits; a/2: trickster, body; l/3: sword
Chi: 2
Flaw: Alcaholism
Shape Change: Tengu can assume the form of humans and blackbirds.
Teleport: All Tengu recieve one extra action per combat round. This action can only be used to teleport a short distance.

   Tengu are the reincarnated spirits of priests and samurai who have suffered from the sin of pride. They are fey creatures of the woods, and take the form of men with extremely long noses wearing black caps and black feather cloaks. Some Tengu are even more crow-like, with the head and wings of a blackbird. They are enthusiastic tricksters, and haunt groves around sacred shrines and temples, or the abandoned ruins of such structures. Tengu are known far and wide for their swordsmanship, and, to a lesser extent, alcaholism. Tengu have many magical powers, including the ability to grant wishes, speak without moving their lips, teleport from place to place, and assume the form of a human or bird. Many peasants worship Tengu, leaving them offerings of food.

Elements: s/1: water, metal; h/2: wood, earth; m/3: fire
Aspects: a/1: awareness, power; s/2: cunning; p/3: presence, grace
Paths: f/1: scourge; l/3: vengeful or lover, invisible
Chi: 2
Flaw: Will stop at nothing to get revenge
As of Fog: Ghosts can only be harmed with magic or enchanted weapons
Malevolence: Ghosts attack using fire/presence/vengeful. This is an attack upon the mind as much as it is upon the body.
Haunt: Ghosts not slain using religious scripture return after about a day.
Scripture: For each round that a ghost hears the recitation of scripture or is in contact with an Ofuda, they take one point of damage. A ghost may not enter an area protected by holy scriptures. A creature completely coated with holy scriptures is invisible to a ghost.

   Ghosts are the tormented souls of passionate lovers who died before their mate, or those seeking vengeance madly who will not rest until their target has died. If the recipient of their emotion passes on, so does the ghost. Ghosts live two lives; one haunting the mortal world, the other trapped in the Land of Hungry Dead. They usually appear as pail, wasted persions of their former selves, wearing white clothing and with the bottoms oftheir legs fading off into mist. Ghosts are incorporeal, and can not be harmed by normal weapons.

Elements: s/1: earth, metal; h/2: fire, wood; m/3: water
Aspects: a/1: presence, grace; s/2: awareness, power; p/3: cunning
Paths: f/1: beast; a/2: fang, healer; l/3: trickster, swimmer
Chi: 1
Flaw: compulsion to steal cucumbers (their favorite vegetable)
Bowl: Any attack that deals 2 or more points of damage to a Kappa spills the water in the dent found on a Kappa's head, instantly reducing both their Power and Grace to 0.
Shell: A Kappa's Power is treated as if it were two points higher for the purposes of resisting damage only, due to its hard, protective shell.
Kappa are malevolent water sprites that look somewhat like a cross between a monkey and a turtle. They have squat forms with large, hard shells, are about the size of a child, and ugly yellow fur. On top of their head, surrounded by a mesh of hair, is a small dent or bowl that is filled with river water. If this bowl is ever emptied, a Kappa is helpless, losing its surprising strength. Kappa like to drag horses and children into the river, where they drown their victums and suck out their blood, through the anus. Kappa have a special weakness for cucumbers. Although capable of great mischeif, they will bargain if their bowl is ever emptied, and will leave children alone in exchange for cucumber with the child's name inscribed into it. Kappa are renowned healers.
Jeffrey S. Schecter: Pagoda / Other


Also, was curious if you were considering incorporating the Chinese/Taoist Astrology concept of dominant Animal Signs?  This might be cool to add a sense of variety among characters...

The Animals are:

Snake  Horse

Here's a pretty cool site on the subject...really sounds like something that would be complimentary to the 'elemental' nature of the game:

Still looking for more i come across it I'll post.
I wonder how the world sees us...
rich beyond compare,
powerful without equal,
a spoiled drunk 15 year old
waving a gun in their face.

"Long Long Time", Guy Forsyth

Thomas Tamblyn

Using the signs of the chinese zodiac is a nice idea, don't forget the cat that was tricked out of taking part in the grand race by the rat, which is why cats hate rats.

Good info on it (and the rest of the animals) here

Also, traditionally the Kappa's water was spilled by tricking it (generally you bow and it has to bow to be polite and OH NO it spills) so having it just be an effect from a heavy hit lacks flavour imho.  I'd just say that the Kappa loses its abilities if you can successfully trick it somehow.

Oh - and japanese noh masks are funky.


Quote from: Thomas Tamblyn
Also, traditionally the Kappa's water was spilled by tricking it (generally you bow and it has to bow to be polite and OH NO it spills) so having it just be an effect from a heavy hit lacks flavour imho.  I'd just say that the Kappa loses its abilities if you can successfully trick it somehow.

So a better mechanic might just be something like...

Bowl: If a Kappa can be tricked into bending his head forward, the water found in the dent upon the creature's head spills, leaving the Kappa completely helpless (0 Power, 0 Grace, can take no actions).

And I like the idea of including a creature of the Zodiac for each character, tying down the flavor a bit more. Since each animal is tied to one of the five Elements, characters would choose from one of the beasts tied to their Mastery element, and any action taken that meshes with the animal's personality gains one additional die.
Jeffrey S. Schecter: Pagoda / Other

Shreyas Sampat

Jeph, I like where you're going with this; it's really interesting to me how two games that intend to work in the same genre go about it in such different ways.

A question about ghosts: are they traditionally incorporeal in Chinese mythology?  I remember a lot of hopping vampires and lots of other spirits that would come back to inhabit corpses and the like, but as far as I can recall, a spirit without a body to puppet was more or less helpless.


In chinese mythology, no. In fact, IIRC, Oni is Chinese for Ghost (and Japanese for goblin). However, in japanese legend they are incorporeal, with the part about feet trailing off into mist being added somewhere in the mid 2nd millenia (according to the first link that Kregmoiser gave).

Ah, hopping vampire--there's another classic I'll need to google up (as well as Ki Ryn, the Phoenix, and a few others) . . .
Jeffrey S. Schecter: Pagoda / Other


Ah yes, speaking of Oni, ghouls (Gaki) and goblins (Oni):

Elements: s/1: water, wood; h/2: fire, metal; m/3: earth
Aspects: a/1: presence, cunning; s/2: awareness, power, grace
Paths: a/2: invisible, false, fang
Flaw: Ravenous (fang)
Horrific Feast: As an action, a ghoul can devour the corpse of a fallen (not necessarily dead), once living creature. For every three actions spent feasting, a Gaki gains a +1 increase to their Power Aspect. ((not really sure about this one, can someone confirm that Gaki eat their fallen foes and grow more powerful from it?))

   Gaki are ghouls, risen dead that feast upon the living. They are the size of a small man, stunted, foul, and toad-like in posture. Indeed, they are sometimes called Gama-Ichizoku, which can be taken to mean either Toad Clan or Clan of Starving Evil. Gaki have no redeeming features, being thoroughly foul, horrifically tainted creatures. Myth has it that Gaki are invisible, but in reality they are merely so skilled at disguise that when they reveal their true nature, they seem to appear out of thin air.

Elements: s/1: water, wood; h/2: fire, metal; m/3: earth
Aspects: a/1: presence, cunning, awareness; s/2: grace; t/4: power
Paths: f/1: Spirits, wing; a/2 scourge or vengeful, sword; l/3 claw
Flaw: Irredeemably evil (scourge)
Dark Protection: Weapons that are not made from Jade or specially blessed do not harm Oni. Attacks against Oni made with Jade weapons are rolled with one extra die.

   Oni are giant, malicious goblins. They come in many shapes, forms, and colors, most often being shaded pink, red, blue or grey. They are gigantic, and usually have horns, and sometimes three eyes, toes, or fingers. Oni are stupid, greedy, lustful, and all round evil. They have been known to carry malets. Sometimes a man who is driven by nothing but revenge will be reincarnated as an oni should he wish for revenge with his dying words.

You might notice that neither the Oni nor Gaki have Chi ratings. I have decided to only give Chi to creatures who are capable of the same level of magical and martial coolness that the PCs are (tengu, phoenix, dragon, etc). Thus, in addition to it's revised "bowl" ability, the Kappa has lost its Chi.

EDIT: forgot to mention; on the previous critters I forgot to attatch their Flaws to an Element, Aspect, or Path. Alcaholism goes to Cunning, stop at nothing goes to Vengeful/Lover, and cucumbers go to Trickster
Jeffrey S. Schecter: Pagoda / Other