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Scott Knipe's Wyrd

Started by taalyn, March 28, 2003, 08:42:19 PM

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Does anyone have a copy? Was it free, so you could forward a copy to me? Or is anyone willing to tell me about it? It no longer has a web-presence...

Aidan Grey

Crux Live the Abnatural

Clinton R. Nixon


This game is one of the unfortunate casualties of great starts and no finish, a all-too-common event in indie RPG publishing. I'd kill to see this game finished and released. If you're listening, Scott, know you have some fans that want to be sated.
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games


I have a saved copy somewhere on my machine from before it was taken offline. I don't know if it was the latest copy or not, but if Scott's OK with it, I'll forward it to you.

Rev. Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan
Wild Hunt Studio


Hey guys,

Good to hear from you all!

I don't know what copy Raven has, but I suspect it's the highly adulterated HTML version that was available at my website before its unfortunate demise.  I have a much better version, illustrated and everything, available as a pdf for free.  Just e-mail me at

As far as the game itself goes, I consider the free pdf to be the equivalent of a "first edition".  As a free product, I think it's pretty spiffy.  And it's totally playable.  But when I get around to doing a revision, there'll be a whole lotta' optional rules - mostly cropping up from my own playtest of the game - and a few wrinkles ironed out.  If you want to see what some of those rules and wrinkles might be, take a look">here.  We gave the game a pretty thorough workout, and the good news is that it was a helluva a lot of fun.

Anyway, thanks for the thread, Taalyn.  Send me an e-mail and I'll shoot back the pdf, and then maybe we can talk about it here or in private.

Take care,

Clinton R. Nixon


How many differences are there between the PDF and the GenCon 2001 printed ashcan edition?
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games


The version I have is indeed the HTML one (pulled from the website). Had I known you had a PDF version, I would have jumped to get it before now!
Rev. Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan
Wild Hunt Studio



It's identical to the ashcan version.  

The only rules changes I've even considered since are entailed in the thread linked in my above post.  My most pressing concern is with how Cycles resolve themselves; as written, the game winds down to a whimper, not  a bang.  But I came up with a fix for it which is still fairly elegant, and that's the only thing I really wish was included in the current rules (although, like I said, there's lots of cool optional things I could throw in).

Updating it wouldn't be too hard, except that I've lost touch with the artists.  Graham and Sara, if you're out there, e-mail me.

- Scott

James V. West

I have a pdf of WYRD. I assume it's the cool one Scott is talking about.

Hellacious, kick-ass game that I still haven't played. Story of my life.

In fact, WYRD was the first rpg I discovered when I entered the indie-rpg online community via I remember keeping up with all the posts Scott and others were sending daily about the development of the idea. It was an exciting thing for me, 'cause I had never seen a game like it before. Opened some doors.

So thanks Scott!


I just ran an excellent game of Wyrd based on Scott's very nciely done pdf. We used the mechanics for a Sabatini inspired Swashbuckling game and it worked quite well.

So much so that I plan on running another session soon. Goes against the character of our adhoc games (we emet once a month to play a game we'd otherwise never play) but I think I can get folks together on another night for the game. There was lots of fun all around.


Scott was nice to send me a pdf copy a few months back.

While it looks extremely cool and seems definitely playable, I have yet to try it out.

It is definitely different from most things out there...

My very own">game design journal.


Hey guys,

Just got back from GenCon.  Lots and lots of cool stuff to talk about in regards to that, but I'm sure that will be for another thread.  

Anyway, for those who e-mailed me about WYRD, or for those who might be passingly curious, you can get it here:


I ran into Bryant while in Indy, and he clued me into your impending run of WYRD.  I've been totally geeked to hear about it, and have a bunch of questions for you.  Any chance we can get a dialogue going down in Actual Play?

- Scott