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1,000 Settings?

Started by Ryan, October 31, 2001, 06:00:00 PM

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I realize that I'm probably not the person who really should start this topic, but someone has to.  What do you all think of the "1,000 Setting" idea?

Personally, I like the idea.  It's the execution that scares me.  What I am afraid of happening is only about 10 original settings with 990 rehashes.

I also hope that honest companies look at the settings.  The board has a possibility of being a jumping board for freelancers.  On the other side of that coin, a dishonest company can take the settings and print them.  To combat this, I have a proposal.  It's not much, but it's something.

Nathan, it it possible to put some legal thing basically stating that the creations are the property of the creator, and thereby they own the copywrite, and some other legalese that I'm not aware of?  And then put a date on the setting, like when it was last edited, so if a setting comes out on print without the author's permission, there is something to prove who copied who.  It's not much protection, but it's better than nothing.

The 1,000 setting idea is a great concept.  But like all great ideas, it is flawed.  At least both of my great ideas were flawed... :smile:

So, what do ya'll think?

Mike Holmes

I thought that there was such legalese in there. Check it again, Ryan.

BTW, I intend one of these days to insert a setting in for kicks.

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.


I stand corrected.  You can smack me now. :smile:
