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[Thugs and Thieves] Quick status update

Started by ethan_greer, September 16, 2003, 04:52:02 AM

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Well, I've been busy cranking out the "final" playtest draft. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I just finished writing the big ol' honkin' Conflict Resolution example. Man, does writing examples suck. Can I get an amen?

The sample scenario is also written.

All that remains is a good proof-reading, and I have to make a little map diagram.

Look for a big announcement this week.


Hey, remember that big announcement I mentioned above? Well, it's gonna have to be next week - the proofreading is taking longer than I anticipated.

Mike Holmes

QuoteI just finished writing the big ol' honkin' Conflict Resolution example. Man, does writing examples suck. Can I get an amen?


OTOH, Ralph took a different approach with writing the examples for Universalis. We got the art first, and then he tailored the examples to the action in the pictures. You might want to give that a try. I don't know if it'll work for you, but I don't think it could hurt.

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.


Actually, I'm doing the exact opposite - I have the opportunity to work closely with my artist, and I'll be getting illustrations that complement the examples. But I can see how getting art and writing examples to compliment the pictures could make things flow a lot easier. Maybe I'll try that for my next game.