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Started by Mark Johnson, September 27, 2003, 04:17:48 AM

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Concept game might work, borrowing from the "concept album", such as Jeff Waynes War of the Worlds or some Floyd stuff.
Impeach the bomber boys:

"He who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where he may cast."
- Leonardo da Vinci


Aww, but how are we gonna look all cool and clever on rpg net if we can't blow off someone else's game by saying "I always approached Grom: The fruitang as a gedankenspiele, but if you will insist on trying to play it, be my guest."
Pete Darby

Mark Johnson


Calling them Concept Games sounds best to me.  Each term that has been nominated encompasses a slightly different set of games, but they all include the sets of games that I mentioned in my first post.  

Gedankengames, in my mind, might even include games that are not written up as game text: i.e. a post in the Indie Game Design forum describing a game or an imagined text of a game session for a game that does not exist.   Useful stuff.

Statement Games seems too oriented around intent for my purposes, but it is a definite subset, or maybe I am reading the term wrong.

Several people have mentioned points I would like to follow up on, perhaps,  in a new thread.  

1)  How is design for a Statement/Concept Game different from a game where Actual Play is a consideration?  Are GNS priorities considerations?  (Recall Reading Games As Substitutionary For Play and Designing Games As Substitutionary For Play")

2)  Does intent matter?

3)  Expanding on Comte comments about games that comment on society as a fourth type of Statement game.  I originally had a section on them on my original post, but couldn't think of any firm examples.

Regardless, I think the purpose of this thread has largely been served.

Thanks to everyone,

[amended to add line about statement games]