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realism in RPG's

Started by Drifter Bob, September 30, 2003, 01:04:33 AM

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Christopher Weeks

Quote from: deadpanbobA lot of the people who've contributed to this thread probably have a lot of real life and research based experience in exactly the type of stuff you're discussing here

This note also mentioned falling damage and it made me think.  It's amazing how often people post about their valid experiences with European sword fighting or Asian martial arts and even modern armed combat.  It almost always comes off as bravado.  But you never see anyone bragging about their experience with realistic falling damage.

Hi, I'm Chris, and I fall a lot.  Last week while I was mounting a skeleton to the eves of my house, I fell of the ladder and broke my hip.  Damn...I hate it when that happens.  But last year when I fell off the second story roof while putting up the Xmas lights, I was merely winded for a minute and got up just fine.  I've been spending four hours a week in practice with my chiropractor for the past five years...



Christopher Weeks

Quote from: Drifter BobI'm sorry, but I addressed all of your arguments in previous responses in this thread.  Maybe you should print them out too.  Then again, something tells me you wouldn't get it.  You are one of those people, I'm afraid, and you are never going to get it.

Nice.  I think this brief paragraph cleanly summarizes the arrogance which prevents your article from rising above the 'been there done that.'  I see no evidence from this entire thread that you've taken any criticism to heart.  What were you looking for here?  


Ron Edwards


Jack's point on the previous page is fully valid. This thread has been undermined by a general problem that I'll post about soon in Site Discussion.

Bob's article has been read; it will still be available to be read by people readin the thread later; and it is time to end this particular thread. It is now closed. Further discussions about the article can have threads of their own.


Drifter Bob

Quote from: Christopher Weeks
Nice.  I think this brief paragraph cleanly summarizes the arrogance which prevents your article from rising above the 'been there done that.'  I see no evidence from this entire thread that you've taken any criticism to heart.  What were you looking for here?  


I admit to frustration, as just about nobody seems to have "gotten it".  I wrote the article in the interest of discussing the new possibilities of improving that kernel or core of "realism" (physics and historical grounding), which, whether you like it or not, underlies most role playing games.  

Instead I got bitter reaction that I insinuated that playing games in which ones pretends one is an elf or a super hero is "silly", and 25 posts complaining that realism has no value or place in role playing games, and maybe another 10 insisting over and over that realism is equivalent to complexity.

I admit freely that my tone in the article was a bit arrogant, but I think the subject merits it.  All the comments about the disney dark ages and championship wrestling are valid, and I stand by them.

To those few who made comments actually related to the subject of the article, I thank you!

I did learn a lot from this experience, primarily I learned that discussing realism with certain kinds of rpg fans is like discussing evolution with a group of orthodox christians.  In both cases, it's a "kill the messenger attitude", an emotional attack upon me for daring to suggest someone is behind the curtain of the great and powerful OZ. In both cases, it's there underlying your world whether you like it or not.

For those who didn't get it: never fear.  Mediocrity is well loved in this country, you will not be alone.  Championship wrestling IS popular, and probably always will be.  So will poorly thought out, muddled rpg games which pander to the dullest imaginations.  They'll keep shlepping it out and you'll keep gobbling it down.

For those who did get it, I'll be posting a link to the followup piece when it's done, probably in a week or two.  

"We can't all be Saints."

John Dillinger

Ron Edwards

Closed is closed, guys. No more posting, please.
