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Started by taalyn, October 05, 2003, 08:13:32 AM

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Anyone here going?

Um..I dunno what else to say. That's what I want to know.

Aidan Grey

Crux Live the Abnatural

Ron Edwards

Hi Aidan,

It would help immensely if you were to reveal whether you are going, and if so, what you'd like to do with people who read about it here. Set up some games? Canvas the congoers for hopeful homebrews? Talk to the organizers about some kind of shared booth next year?

For this forum, think "concrete, concrete."



also, dates, locations and website links help immensely in deciding whether one is able to attend or not. please help us out with that info!

and as Ron said, any info on your plans, even theoretical, about what you'd like to do there with the Forge or opportunities you know of for indie games helps much too.



Okay, here's the details:

October 24-26, 2003, Sheraton Hotel in Lakewood.

I'll very likely be there (as Ops staff), and I'm thinking connecting with other Forgites with the intent of general community building. I'd really like to see a Forge booth there next year as well, with some Indie games presented.

A few indie games run would be nice too - too many gamers out here have no clue how to run a game (EXCEEDINGLY GM vs. players is common - I played a LARP a couple years ago where the GM did his damnedest to make sure NO ONE won/accomplished the goals given to them). I wanna show people how else it can be done.

Aidan Grey

Crux Live the Abnatural


Quote from: taalynAnyone here going?


Yup.  Go every year - except for four years ago when I got married that weekend. :)

Not planning to run any games - MHC is very much a relaxation convention for me after the double-blow of Tacticon (where I was prepared to run every slot) and Nan Desu Kan.

See you there?



Dunno. Things are still up in the air - even this late. And I start a new job on Monday, so staying up all weekend is not such a great thing to do....

If you know Cass (she who runs Ops every year), she's one of my playtesters. Give her a hola.

Aidan Grey

Crux Live the Abnatural