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The Literature

Started by Russell Hoyle, December 03, 2003, 05:34:09 AM

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Russell Hoyle

I am a bibliophile.

There I have confessed!
Its a sickness, really!
I am sure I own more books than I could ever read.

The reason for my confession?

Yesterday I had 10mins to kill whilst waiting in a shopping area, so I went into a second hand book store looking for Sorcerer and Sword Literature (I had Ron's book in my bag you see).
I remember looking for anything by Tierney in the scifi/fantasy section - no luck...

Later at home I though "ahh what the heck, I might have a look at that old 'Chaosium Publication' book entitled Scroll of Thoth that I've had for YEARS but never looked at..." (to be fair, I think I got stuck in the long and boring academic introductory bit).

It is *of course* a compilation of Mr Tierney's fantastic fiction...

So I thought I would share. I don't think its still in print....
I have only tried Chaosium's Online Store - you might find it elsewhere online.

The ISBN is 1-56882-105-0

My subconscious?
Blind Luck?
Sheer Stupidity?

Looks like a good read though...


Ron Edwards

Hi Rusty,

Cool! Any feedback about the stories themselves would be appreciated too.


joshua neff

I hope this isn't going off-topic, but while we're talking about literature...

I had a look at The Coming of Conan, the new reprinting of Conan stories. Holy hell! It's fantastic! The stories are in the original order they were published, there are fantastic illustrations (& look! Conan's wearing a frikkin' shirt!), and there are fragments & other goodies included. It's like the old remixed & rearranged Conan paperbacks never happened. For someone like me, who missed the stories the first time around & has only been able to find the redone stories in bookstores (new & used), this is a bloody godsend.

"You can't ignore a rain of toads!"--Mike Holmes

Russell Hoyle


In boredom, I just searched Abebooks for listings:

One came up - $95!!!


Ron, I just read the first one: Sword of Spartacus.

I loved it! Lots of Sorcerer stuff in that one - do you know the story?

Necromantic Tokens (no less than 2 of)
& Big ass demon summoning fun.

Great little story.

More later (once my horrible hangover has receeded a little)