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[Dice Mechanics] Could you help?

Started by b4d0m3n, December 19, 2003, 03:56:04 AM

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Hello. I haven't really posted here before, but I have recently learned of the juicy goodness of this site and now have a few questions. I posted this on RPGNet too, but would like to get a wider opinion of these mechanics.

These are by no means innovative, but I'm quite new at this systems stuff, and would like to get your opinions on what works and what does not. Essentially, this would use D10s. A character would have Attributes and Abilities (skills etc.). My initial idea was to have the Attributes score be the dice pool for a particular set of skills and the skill rating to be the score one must roll under.

For example:

Brawl - 4

The character rolls three dice, and tries to get UNDER four. Then count successes for degree of success. Some suggestions stated that I should change this (reverse), thus having the Attrtribute = target number, and skill equal the dice pool.

What do you people think? Does this work? I would more than appreciate any help you could give me in this.
Yes I do.


Welcome to the Forge!

Without any rumblings at what the system might be applied to, it's very difficult to say whether or not this "works". Can you roll dice like this with these numbers and get results for a game? Sure. But -any- dice scheme "works" in that you can roll whatever dice and get a result out of it.

So pondering rolling schemes outside of an actual design is kind of pointless.

1: What kind of game would this be for? Dungeon crawling, court intrigue, et cetera.
2: How many Attributes were you thinking of?
3: Would there be a set number of Abilities beneath each Attribute, or player-defined lists?
You see:
Michael V. Goins, wielding some vaguely annoyed skills.


Quote from: anonymouse
1: What kind of game would this be for? Dungeon crawling, court intrigue, et cetera.
2: How many Attributes were you thinking of?
3: Would there be a set number of Abilities beneath each Attribute, or player-defined lists?

See, I hadn't really thought about this. So let me try and answer these questions.

1) I'm not exactly sure. I have about three games in my head I wouldn't mind using such a system for, they range from western sci-fi, investigative horror and fantasy. The characters as I see them would be able to do anything, with the gameplay focusing on investigation and freeform powerz.

2) Well, I could keep it simple and having Body, Mind and Soul. Or perhaps Physical, Mental, Spiritual (although that makes no difference. Alternatively I was thinking having attributes in clumps under the headings of PHysical etc.

For example -
Physical (heading)
Athletics (rating)
Reflexes (rating)
Strength (rating)

And then have appropriate skills underneath. For example, Strength would be the pool for brawl, Reflexes would be the pool for, I don't know, juggling? If it's at all possible I'd like some suggestions for this aspect as well. Does that even make sense?

3) This I hadn't thought about at all. Maybe a few set abilities, and some options for players to choose/pick own.

So, yeah. If you could comment and help here and maybe suggest some improvements/specifics, I would greatly appreciate that.
Yes I do.


I guess I should also comment on the style of Storytelling I wish this to apply to. My needs are fairly vague, but I would like this to be something which allows me to utilize my narrative style of Storytelling and has not that much crunch to it.
Yes I do.


Well, in the way of answers..

This thread: ..a contemporary of yours, and covers basically the same subject. I'd forgotten it was there until after I responded.

Also, in terms of a storytelling system without much crunch, I'd suggest looking at the Pool at which might be an interesting read for you.

The basic Attribute/Ability setup seems like it'd work fine, but maybe isn't the right thing for what you have in mind. When you say "storytelling" and give the LiteCrunch modifier, it seems like a set of list of abilities and numbers might get in the way of that. I don't know, it's really hard to give any kind of opinion or advice with so little to go on.
You see:
Michael V. Goins, wielding some vaguely annoyed skills.

Andrew Martin

Quote from: b4d0m3n...something which allows me to utilize my narrative style of Storytelling and has not that much crunch to it.

Could you amplify and expand upon this please? Perhaps you could describe a perfect game session with great players (but with no reference to game mechanics)?
Andrew Martin


Anonymouse - I have had a look at the Pool, and frankly, although it seems like nice and innovative, I'm just not ready for it. It doesn't have ENOUGH crunch. I'm looking for a happy medium, and perhaps the way I'm going about this is okay.

Andrew Martin - Perfect session? Well in short, lots of narrative and the players trying to work stuff out... with difficulty. The point I was raising is that the way I wish to narrate goes something like "blah, blah, simple rule, blah, blah, blah".

I like it when PCs have a lot to their characters, and a whole bunch of... stuff on their sheets. I like the Storyteller system for example, and have used it extensively. Which is probably why the mechanics of this one are a little similar to the other.

Really that's the sort of system I want. And I think that's what I'll get with this. I guess I just have to think on it a little more.
Yes I do.

Andrew Martin

Quote from: b4d0m3nI like it when PCs have a lot to their characters, and a whole bunch of... stuff on their sheets. I like the Storyteller system for example, and have used it extensively. Which is probably why the mechanics of this one are a little similar to the other.

So what problems does the Storyteller system have in your view, that this dice technique is intended to fix?
Andrew Martin


QuoteSo what problems does the Storyteller system have in your view, that this dice technique is intended to fix?

I would rather the target number be gained from actual skills. representative of character's ability, and not as situational as Storyteller. Basically, situational modifiers kept to a minimum etc.
Yes I do.