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PDF Posting

Started by Kilor Di, January 22, 2004, 11:34:33 PM

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Kilor Di

I'm planning on converting my notes on the game I'm working on into a PDF file.  Where would be a good place to post it (and consequently, how do I post it)?
A good game knows how to pull you in time after time.  A great game never lets go.

Tim C Koppang

The usual protocol here is to upload the file to some server space (Geocities if you are looking for free) and then link to the file in your post.

Kilor Di

Thanks.  I'll get on that this weekend.
A good game knows how to pull you in time after time.  A great game never lets go.


Your ISP may well provide you with some web space that you've already paid for.  Have a look at that.
Clay Dowling - Online Campaign Planning and Management

Kilor Di  and then click on Nova Terrani.  Thanks for the help.
A good game knows how to pull you in time after time.  A great game never lets go.