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Ars Magica for TROS..

Started by Malechi, February 01, 2004, 04:27:50 PM

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Hey there,

We've decided to use the Ars Magica rules as converted for TROS as the magic system for our new campaign (See Actual Play post for details if you're vaguely interested).  As I was going through the example spells at the end of the conversion I was wondering about the description for the spells doing damage, in particular the Bleed spell.

Bleed (Perdo Corpus) (invasive)
Target: 2
Range: 1
Minimum Effect Level: 3
TN: 6
5 Points of bloodloss are directly inflicted per success

now I'm not sure about the 5 points per success

The description of Effect Level 3 states "As effect 2, but the level of injury is also how much "blood loss" the target takes..."  Level 2 states "...DR of the spell is equal to the highest Art used in its casting, plus the number of successes..."

according to this the actual DR would be hard to determine as it would be highest Art.. which could be 4 or 5...with successes adding a point of DR...
Same goes for the Bind Wound, but in the opposite direction I guess...
Am I missing something obvious I missing something obvious? ;)


Katanapunk...The Riddle of Midnight...



They are giving away Ars Magica 4th ed free as a pdf...same for Harmaster 3rd ed...HM3 would be on the columbia games website.  I forget the web site for AM4

November Kilo for Ars Magica.  It will send you through several links to
November Kilo

Brian Leybourne

Where's the conversion? A lot was said about it several months ago and then... nothing.

Brian Leybourne

RPG Books: Of Beasts and Men, The Flower of Battle, The TROS Companion


The conversion was actually completed some time ago I think and can be found online or a doc format

I'd actually already d/led the free Ars Magica 4th edition from .  The Ars Magica file gives a good background to the feel of Ars Magica magic for flavour etc.  The conversion is pretty good, though even with the Ars Magica 4th ed file, I'm having trouble with determining actual mechanical effects from the converted spell construction rules... Morfedel or grot? any ideas?


Katanapunk...The Riddle of Midnight...


I haven't had a chance to test my own conversion rules in-game; I haven't had a game of ANY kind to run. Actually, I'm trying to get a game group together now, so maybe I'll have a chance to discuss it then.

No one really posted any playtest reports on the conversion, so I have no idea how well it works; I was anxious to find out. If anyone ever did actually try it out, I'd love some feedback.

I'll go and bump that thread so you could peruse it if you wish.