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Actual GNS discussion in my group

Started by RDU Neil, March 12, 2004, 11:55:08 AM

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QuoteWhat does it take to care about the other PCs?

I started to care about the other PCs THAT session.  Even before the pitfight.  IT was when Vincent (npc) asked me "are these people your friends?" and the realization that they were the only friends that Terry (my PC) had.  That threw a switch.  Better make them my friends... I have no one else.

That made me care.

I think one answer is need and the need to be wanted.  We, now we are in the Phillippines, all ex-pats, need each other.  That dynamic interests me.  

But I can only talk for myself here.  

I did have a thought; "caring for someone else, starts with caring for your PC"... a bit of a paraphrase... but I think valid.  Eric's Ryu (and Bryan Fury) are both jerks.  Closed off, angry, vengeful... so NOT Eric that I know, who I really, really like.  But I don't find myself caring for those 2 characters much.  Question is, Does Eric like those guys?  I know he likes PLAYING those guys, but does he like them.


QuoteYet, this is why I think James may be frustrated with the game.  He wants time to role play out long conversations with his "girlfriend" or just sit around talking in character about nothin in particular.  Others find this boring, and get visibly exasperated.

((This is getting away from the GNS model, I believe.  However, I think its important to talk about.))

Actually, I'm not really frustrated about that.  Believe it or not, I do not want to talk about nothings with the NPCs.   I just want a chance to talk to them about who they are without some constant threat hanging over our heads.  Little roleplaying scenes like the recent bar scene give me a better chance to identify with my character, other PCs and NPCs.  

That being said, I realized lately where I've been frustrated.   One of the reasons you won't see me play scenes where I just talk to the other PCs much is because I'm used to being able to do that without a GM.  I have it hardwired that while you have the GMs attention, it's about plot and NPCs.    If Chango (my PC) needs to talk to Thermal (another PC), I'm used to waiting until there is a time where neither of us are involved with the GM.

It occured to me that this was the source of our frustration during the second-to-last Secret Worlds session when Joe and I started talking about stuff in-character that were only mildly related to the GM plot and more of our characters just chatting about life, the universe and everything.  We were talking quietly to the side.  Neil asked us to wait until he was done playing a scene with Storn/Terry so he could hear.

This is why I get frustrated.   When the GM is playing with you, the plot is usually moving forward.   If we can't play to the side, when do we get a feel for what our characters are like outside of when the crap is flying.

Yeah, I'd like more times for conversations with NPCs, but what I really want is some time to get to roleplay rather than run around reacting to GM-supplied situations.   Part of this is me.   I am trained that when the GM says "hey James," he is about to supply me a scene that he needs to happen for the plot and it is not time for me to say "Actually, I'd like to talk to McGregor about what just happened."


Quote from: RDU Neil
Nuadha was clearly Sim-emphasis on Character.  He want more chances to encounter people and witness their reactions/history to the specific "weirdness" that is the center of this campaign.

Yeah.  In this campaign, I'm really interested in seeing how the act of being special can change someone.   My PC is one character that I see as a sim experiment, I guess.   I'm also interested in exploring the world through the eyes of other characters, NPCs and PCs.   I like the setting a lot.   Now I want to see how people react.

RDU Neil

QuoteThis is why I get frustrated. When the GM is playing with you, the plot is usually moving forward. If we can't play to the side, when do we get a feel for what our characters are like outside of when the crap is flying.

And this could be my fault, because you think that whenever I, the GM, want to be involved, it has to mean the crap is flying.  That isn't true... I just want to hear what Jones and McGregor are discussing.  It is important that I the GM, and the others players, get to know who Jones is... not just James knowing his character.  If you do all that off to the side, then it isn't a shared experience.  James gets the knowledge, but the other PLAYERS don't know who James' character is.  This is what I was describing as a nightmare for me in your Changling game.  I didn't mind players having their character moments, but those moments should be shared by the group.... not done off on the side.  The players should be an active audience for the other players.  

So when I as a GM say, "Hold it a second," it's not because I'm trying to force a plot on you... it is because I want to be witness, and give the other players a chance to witness, your character on stage.  

Now, maybe being on stage, with others watching you, makes it difficult.  That is an issue... but I want players to be engaged in the WHOLE STORY, not just one little part of it.

That is crucial for me, as GM and player.
Life is a Game


Quote from: RDU Neil

I can't speak for James/Nuadha, but I do think he feels left out at times.  He is more passive, less likely to insert himself into the discussions and vie for attention.  He really looks for the GM to focus on him and give him time to think and contemplate before speaking.  In that he is the odd man out, as the rest of us run off at the mouth pretty damn easily... bing, bang boom... keep things moving... go, go, go... this is combat!  It should be intense and fast paced!"  That's definitely how the rest of us game!

As you can tell, I'm just replying right now to the descriptions of me.   There was a lot in this thread I want to reply to, but for right now I think I should describe my situation a little more as I am sure it could help to understand.

I don't feel left out too often and generally have a lot of fun.   I'm a soft spoken person who has a problem with interrupting others.   This is certainly true.    However, the go-go pace only bothers me in that it is constant.   If our characters never have down time, I never feel any connection.  My character does not exist outside of his action-movie hero life.   His or her life is only running from one fight to the next.  That's when I get frustrated.    Ideally, I like one in three games to have no combat at all.  Possibly no dice rolls.    Just roleplaying.   Then, my character gets a chance to be real.

I know Storn was frustrated in one game where he was GMing and my character seemed to shrug off an NPC that he placed in the scenario for that very purpose...someone for my character to interact with.   However, the scenario had him running into her in the middle of a scenario where things were likely to turn ugly at any second, so since plot was baring down on us, my character was very abrupt.  "I can't talk right now.   I'm working."   When plot is going on, many of my characters will be focused on the plot, particularly in these life or death situations.   My character wasn't James Bond, so he couldn't flirt with the pretty girl while saving the world.    Once the emergency was over, than he would look for her and apologize for being so abrupt.