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[TRoS] The Saga of Varghoss Redbeard

Started by ZenDog, March 20, 2004, 02:42:15 AM

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is this online play not a REALLY slow process?
Kind regards....

-Brian Bergh
TRoS .pdf files:


I would imagine it is slower than face to face but I can't yet tell how much slower, as this is my first game of TRoS. Some things that should of been quick took much longer as I had to reread sections of the rules and search for pages/tables ect (I read the rules from begining to end when I first got them but that was a few months ago now and I didn't neccersarily get my head around them after one read anyway).

Of course typing takes a lot longer than speaking. but it doesn't seem to slow things down too much, it's just different is all and at the moment my only way of playing.


Here is the play log, just to reiterate we played the game in two chat windows, one for IC (the write up already posted) and this one for OCC.

It's been edited only for the sake of brevity, clarity and privacy.  I've left in all the mistakes I made or think I made with the rules. You can certainly tell this is our first ever game of TRoS.

Anyone who knows the system well and has time to check the mechanics as we applied them (or tried to) that would be appreciated.

Seneschal (08:25 PM) :
Right I'm running a little behind time in terms of organisation, so this is the plan
Seneschal (08:26 PM) :
Quit msn then we'll reopen msn chat so the widow is clean if you know what I mean (for the IC stuff)

Varghoss (08:26 PM) :
already have

Varghoss (08:26 PM) :
What am I gonna need for playing tonight?
Seneschal (08:27 PM) :
Ok you are going to play as your father and as yourself as a youth in this game. We will use your character as your father (like father like son and all). I'm just finsihing up some background stuff.

Varghoss (08:28 PM) :
Do I need my character sheet or just a pen and paper?
Seneschal (08:28 PM) :
You will need pencil, paper and some dice. lol
Varghoss (08:28 PM) :
lol on line dice it is then

Seneschal (08:31 PM) :
Ok going to reopen msn and send you the begining of the background (Which I'm still writing). You can read the start (remember messanger is for in character only so any Q's in this window
Varghoss (08:32 PM) :
Yes boss
Varghoss (08:42 PM) :
Where is Cymir on the map? I can't see it.
Seneschal (08:44 PM) :
The Cymir are one of the nations that live in Angherad, their homelands are to on the coast of Angerhad.
Varghoss (08:44 PM) :
Ok cool

Varghoss (08:46 PM) :
lucky bugger (Re: Gottir coming back from raids with new wife)
Seneschal (08:46 PM) :

Varghoss (08:46 PM) :
Goes for eternal peace and comes back with even more stress
Seneschal (08:46 PM) :
I know this is a bit long, but nearly finished now. Then we get to the game itself.

Varghoss (08:46 PM) :
Nps. like Steven King set the scene.
Seneschal (08:47 PM) :
Varghoss (08:51 PM) :
He would prb kick my arse anyway! (Re: Gottir telling him to go away)
Seneschal (08:51 PM) :

Seneschal (09:03 PM) :
Now we begin
Varghoss (09:04 PM) :
Varghoss (09:04 PM) :
Do I need to decide what I am doing?
Seneschal (09:04 PM) :
Type actions in like - Varghoss does this - Varghoss does that.
Varghoss (09:05 PM) :
Varghoss (09:05 PM) :
Am I dressed?
Seneschal (09:05 PM) :
Put any speech in "Speech marks"
Varghoss (09:05 PM) :
Varghoss (09:05 PM) :
Can i just use capital V instead of varghoss
Seneschal (09:05 PM) :
Of course you're a sruffy 14 year old viking you sleep in your clothes and never wash (re: am I dressed q)

Varghoss (09:06 PM) :
Or would you rather I typed it all?
Seneschal (09:06 PM) :
'I' if it's easier I'll edit IC stuff later anyway
Varghoss (09:06 PM) :

Seneschal (09:06 PM) :
So what do you do? (Player responds in IC window)
Varghoss (09:12 PM) :
Fuck me (re: naked Frey)
Seneschal (09:12 PM) :
Varghoss (09:13 PM) :

Seneschal (09:26 PM) :
Time to roll some dice.
Seneschal (09:26 PM) :
You have to bear with me while I consult the rules.
Seneschal (09:26 PM) :
Varghoss (09:27 PM) :

Seneschal (09:27 PM) :
What is your sailing skill?
Varghoss (09:27 PM) :
Seneschal (09:28 PM) :
what is your wit?
Varghoss (09:28 PM) :
Varghoss (09:29 PM) :
Can I see it clearly?
Seneschal (09:29 PM) :
Bear with me
Varghoss (09:29 PM) :
Oops sorry
Seneschal (09:30 PM) :
While I try and find out how to roll a skill test lol
Varghoss (09:30 PM) :

Seneschal (09:31 PM) :
Found the page hahaha
Seneschal (09:33 PM) :
Right if I've understood it, this is how it works.
Seneschal (09:34 PM) :
To see how the ship is sailing, you need to make a sailing skill roll.
Seneschal (09:34 PM) :
Your skill is six.
Seneschal (09:35 PM) :
So that is the TN (target number) you must roll against.

Varghoss (09:35 PM) :
Seneschal (09:35 PM) :
Your wit is 6
Seneschal (09:35 PM) :
So that is how many dice you have to roll
Varghoss (09:36 PM) :
See how many get over 6?
Seneschal (09:36 PM) :
Yeah you got it. So roll six die ten
Varghoss (09:36 PM) :
4 6 8 10 4 4
Seneschal (09:37 PM) :
Three successes
Seneschal (09:38 PM) :
Which according to the table is a success, with room to spare (the next step up is expertly done).
Varghoss (09:38 PM) :

Seneschal (09:39 PM) :
So you know from the way she handles, there is no way that Savaxen men are sailing that ship.
Varghoss (09:50 PM) :
Bloody traitors like she said (re: Frey's vision and the men who know the secret clifftop path)
Seneschal (09:50 PM) :

Varghoss (09:50 PM) :
Can I shout to the people at the dock
Seneschal (09:51 PM) :
Varghoss (09:52 PM) :
Ya bastard (after he tries and can't be heard)
Seneschal (09:52 PM) :

Varghoss (09:52 PM) :
Whats closer the 3 sneaking or the docks?
Seneschal (09:54 PM) :
Both about the same hahaha
Varghoss (09:55 PM) :
Can I honestly make the jarls hut?
Varghoss (09:55 PM) :
Or would that be stupid?
Seneschal (09:56 PM) :
Yes. You will need to make a running roll, to make either in time.

Varghoss (09:56 PM) :
How many more soldiers on the ship
Seneschal (09:57 PM) :
about 30
Varghoss (09:57 PM) :
Varghoss (09:58 PM) :
I would have thought the jarls hut in viking lore would be the one worth saving im a little hazy

Seneschal (10:00 PM) :
So what do you want to do? (he decides to run for the Jarl's hut)

Seneschal (10:00 PM) :
Not much you could have done against 30 other than die with the women.
Varghoss (10:01 PM) :
Thats what I thought, and she (the Jarl's wife) has no hope without help.

Seneschal (10:02 PM) :
Ok so again hold on while I check out a running TN. Have you got a running score on your char sheet?
Varghoss (10:03 PM) :
Varghoss (10:03 PM) :
I've got move on derived stats.
Seneschal (10:04 PM) :
What is that?
Varghoss (10:05 PM) :
Derived stats, next to spiritual, with reflex, aim, knockdown, knockout
Seneschal (10:05 PM) :
No I mean what is your score
Varghoss (10:05 PM) :
Seneschal (10:06 PM) :
I did the last one , but the result was the same. You have to roll under not over the TN. Luckily with the last roll, you got three over and three under.

Varghoss (10:07 PM) :
I thought with skills the lower the better?
Varghoss (10:07 PM) :
But stats the higher the better?
Seneschal (10:07 PM) :
Ok it is an average test, you are fast, but have already sprinted to the headland, what is your Endruance?
Varghoss (10:08 PM) :
Varghoss (10:08 PM) :
Seneschal (10:08 PM) :
Hang on.

Seneschal (10:10 PM) :
No it is roll over you were right
Seneschal (10:11 PM) :
Ok your endurance is 4, so that is the TN for this roll (this is an attribute roll)
Varghoss (10:11 PM) :
So gotta role under?
Seneschal (10:12 PM) :
Over. So you have to roll over 4 to get successes
Seneschal (10:12 PM) :
your move is 9 so you get nine dice to do it with... but
Seneschal (10:13 PM) :
You have already run one way so, I will asign a minus one dice penalty.

Varghoss (10:13 PM) :
Varghoss (10:13 PM) :
I thought 2
Varghoss (10:13 PM) :
I did say sprint
Varghoss (10:13 PM) :
But i am a fit boy.
Varghoss (10:14 PM) :
And adrenaline is a wonderful thing
Varghoss (10:14 PM) :
8 dice over 4?

Seneschal (10:14 PM) :
So you have 8d10 to roll and the TN is 4 to roll over (if I've got this wrong, no matter it works for me, and I'll sort it out by next game)
Varghoss (10:15 PM) :
7 5 7 9 8 4 4 6
Seneschal (10:16 PM) :
Flawless (says the table an thats for five success) Your fast for a big lad lol

Varghoss (10:16 PM) :
lol could have gone for a run in the sea first
Seneschal (10:16 PM) :
Seneschal (10:19 PM) :
You still there?
Varghoss (10:20 PM) :
Yes p break while u type hehe
Seneschal (10:27 PM) :
Need a piss myself and another cup o tea 3 min break yeah? (that's that British charm and culture you hear so much about)
Varghoss (10:27 PM) :

Seneschal (10:27 PM) :
I'll just type some more info and then go AFK
Seneschal (10:31 PM) :
Back in 3 mins
Varghoss (10:32 PM) :
Bugger just realised, I picked up me sword not me pigging axe, must be the shock of waking up with the scream.
Seneschal (10:33 PM) :
lol no worries I'll edit to axe later
Seneschal (10:33 PM) :

Seneschal (10:39 PM) :
Seneschal (10:39 PM) :
Ok combat should be interesting we will see how it goes
Varghoss (10:39 PM) :
Was just trying the combat sim!
Seneschal (10:40 PM) :
Getting some practise in eh?
Varghoss (10:40 PM) :
Hope so, loosened up a bit

Varghoss (10:49 PM) :
cheeky ***** (Too rude even for RPGnet Re: Cymri not even bothering to be quiet)
Seneschal (10:50 PM) :
Varghoss (10:57 PM) :
Nice one, the old drunken monk routine (Re: Gottir pretending to be more feeble than he is).

Varghoss (11:00 PM) :
What do you get for a suprise attack, a free attack or extra dice?
Seneschal (11:00 PM) :
Not sure I'll have to check
Varghoss (11:00 PM) :
Shouldn't have been such a cheeky ***** (Re: Gottir killing first Cymri)
eneschal (11:02 PM) :
Ok slight pause while I check the rules.
Seneschal (11:04 PM) :
Cool, there are rules and tables for surprise.

Seneschal (11:04 PM) :
What is your reflex
Varghoss (11:04 PM) :
Seneschal (11:05 PM) :
Hang on, no it's me who has to roll, as you are taking my guy, by surprise.
Seneschal (11:06 PM) :
Seneschal (11:07 PM) :
I'll tell you all the info this time just to illustrate the rules in play. (Normally I would just describe what happened, if he took the guy by surprise or not).
Seneschal (11:07 PM) :

My guy has a relfex of 4 so gets 4 dice
Seneschal (11:09 PM) :
He has his back to you and is concentracting on (gobsmacked) Gottir
Varghoss (11:10 PM) :
Seneschal (11:10 PM) :
So I'm rulling that by the table he is blindsided.
Varghoss (11:10 PM) :
The phrase'what the fuck just happened' comes to mind
Seneschal (11:10 PM) :
lol so the TN is 13

Seneschal (11:11 PM) :
So the only way he can gat a success, is if he rolls a natural ten (then add and roll over) or a few natural tens otherwise you get a  free hit
Varghoss (11:12 PM) :
Varghoss (11:12 PM) :
So are 2 10's in a row when you want 13 ....7?
Seneschal (11:13 PM) :
Any Tens can be stacked-rerolled
Seneschal (11:13 PM) :
Seneschal (11:13 PM) :
He can roll that ten again.

Seneschal (11:13 PM) :
Varghoss (11:13 PM) :
Seneschal (11:14 PM) :
So that is 5,5,7,19
Seneschal (11:14 PM) :
1 success.
Seneschal (11:14 PM) :
Let me check the success chart

Seneschal (11:16 PM) :
Narrow success he gets a defense, but I'm going to take 1 away from his CP for the first round (Can't remember if that's from the table or something I just decided)
Seneschal (11:17 PM) :
So what attack are you going to make and how many dice?
Seneschal (11:17 PM) :
I'll just check see what options you get with an axe.
Varghoss (11:17 PM) :
So 2 attacks per round?
Varghoss (11:17 PM) :

Seneschal (11:18 PM) :
In a normal round one attacks one defends, then the other attacks and you defend.
Seneschal (11:19 PM) :
but I think this is right, you've taken him more or less by surprsise, and all he can do this round is defend.  I think lol
Varghoss (11:19 PM) :
Varghoss (11:19 PM) :
So I could use my whole combatt pool and he wont be able to attack?

Seneschal (11:20 PM) :
Thats what I'm going to rule, I think that's right.
Varghoss (11:21 PM) :
How do I work out my CP?
Seneschal (11:21 PM) :
He will use all his pool -1 to defend
Seneschal (11:21 PM) :
What does it say on your charsheet?
Varghoss (11:21 PM) :
Seneschal (11:22 PM) :
Ok lol. Still got the combat sim running?
Varghoss (11:22 PM) :
Varghoss (11:23 PM) :
On the sim.

Seneschal (11:23 PM) :
14 Your not wearing armour (this I know is wrong it was 12 the extra two dice were from aggressive stance not lack of armour).
Varghoss (11:23 PM) :
The charcter sheet doesn't even say what weapon I'm good with.

Seneschal (11:23 PM) :
We can sort that out before next week
Varghoss (11:23 PM) :
Ok cool
Varghoss (11:23 PM) :
14 then
Varghoss (11:24 PM) :
If hes turned side on, a diagonal slash would be best.

Seneschal (11:24 PM) :
Varghoss (11:24 PM) :
14 dice to roll?
Seneschal (11:25 PM) :
Just need to check rules about TN
Varghoss (11:25 PM) :
My axe skill yesterday was 8
Seneschal (11:27 PM) :
Where are you aiming
Varghoss (11:27 PM) :
Downward diagonal. Is he side on or facing me?
Seneschal (11:27 PM) :
Side on.
Varghoss (11:28 PM) :
What armour is he wearing?

Seneschal (11:28 PM) :
None. He swam from the boat in just his trews, he carries a dagger.
Varghoss (11:28 PM) :
Is it harder to hit if I aim for the head?
Seneschal (11:29 PM) :
-1 i think (that I know is wrong only –1 for a thrust to the head)
Varghoss (11:29 PM) :
Ok cool I can cope with -1
Seneschal (11:29 PM) :
Ok hang on one mo
Seneschal (11:34 PM) :
Ok, ready I think.
Varghoss (11:35 PM) :
Lets get ready to rumble

Seneschal (11:38 PM) :
You have an Attack TN (ATN) of 7 so you have 14 dice to roll over 7
To do a full evade it says Defense TN is 4 (DTN) so my guy has seven cances to roll over four
Seneschal (11:38 PM) :
So roll 14d10 and put up your numbers
Varghoss (11:39 PM) :
2,10, 5, 9, 3, 4, 7, 6, 4, 5, 9, 8, 8, 5,
Seneschal (11:39 PM) :

Seneschal (11:39 PM) :
Seneschal (11:40 PM) :
I have 3 success you have six
Seneschal (11:40 PM) :
You beat me by three success, I will now find out what that means
Varghoss (11:41 PM) :
iIadd my strength and you take of his toughness or summat?
Seneschal (11:42 PM) :
Hang on a mo
Varghoss (11:42 PM) :
Sorry hehe

Seneschal (11:44 PM) :
Roll 1d6 for location
Varghoss (11:44 PM) :
Seneschal (11:46 PM) :
Right you hit him in the upper arm, shoudlder area
Seneschal (11:46 PM) :
your DR (damage rating) with an axe is ST+2
Seneschal (11:46 PM) :
So that is 10
Varghoss (11:47 PM) :

Seneschal (11:48 PM) :
My guy's TO is 4 so that makes 6
Seneschal (11:52 PM) :
BL 13
Varghoss (11:52 PM) :
Seneschal (11:52 PM) :
Shock 13
Seneschal (11:53 PM) :
Pain 14-wp
Seneschal (11:53 PM) :
Total loss of limb

Seneschal (11:55 PM) :
Basically I'm sure that means his CP is gone for the next round, there is a good chance he will either faint or bleed out in a matter of seconds, so you get a free swing next round. If you finish him you'll be putting him out of his misery.
Varghoss (11:55 PM) :
So I need to do the job then
Varghoss (11:56 PM) :
Upward swing to the groin, zone 6

Seneschal (11:57 PM) :
Ok roll 14d10
Seneschal (11:57 PM) :
That BTW is nasty lol
Varghoss (11:58 PM) :
10, 4, 6, 2, 10, 8, 9, 1, 3, 6,  6, 2, 3, 9,
Varghoss (11:58 PM) :
5 I think

Seneschal (11:59 PM) :
Yup minus his TO of 4 means 1 level of damage
Seneschal (11:59 PM) :
roll 1d6
Varghoss (11:59 PM) :
Dont I get anything for my str?
Varghoss (11:59 PM) :

Seneschal (12:00 AM) :
Inner thigh, just missed his wanger
Seneschal (12:01 AM) :
Despite you best effort to finsih him a minor laceration
Seneschal (12:02 AM) :
This is I say becuse he is falling over and you just catch him as he falls
Varghoss (12:02 AM) :
ahh artistic license
Seneschal (12:02 AM) :
Lol it's my strong point

Seneschal (12:02 AM) :
He slips into a comma and dies of blood loss
Varghoss (12:03 AM) :
Poor boy thatll teach him
Seneschal (12:04 AM) :
Yes I can't be arsed to find out what I have to roll to see if he stays alive. Basically, with the best modern medical care in the world, you might just survive losing your arm at the shoulder,  with an axe wielding Viking psycho standing over you chances aren't so good.

Seneschal (12:04 AM) :
The damage table only goes upto 5 you scored a six, he's fucked
Varghoss (12:04 AM) :
I know plus my boot on his windpipe when he slips over
Seneschal (12:04 AM) :
He's dead

Varghoss (12:05 AM) :
I dont think you added my strength or axe to the second attack if I am working it right??????
Seneschal (12:06 AM) :
Bloody rules lawyers:-)
Varghoss (12:07 AM) :

Seneschal (12:07 AM) :
What do you mean though add your strength when?
Varghoss (12:08 AM) :
After my 5 hits add my strength and axe then take off his toughness?
Varghoss (12:08 AM) :
and armpour if he had any?
Varghoss (12:08 AM) :
whatever armpour is?

Seneschal (12:10 AM) :
So it would be st + 2 10+5 15 - 4 11
Varghoss (12:10 AM) :
I think?

Seneschal (12:12 AM) :
well level 5 on the thigh says a major artery has been severed death is likely, but you scored 10 so ther goes his half his leg flying through the air and I think we can say he ain't getting up.
Varghoss (12:12 AM) :
so 1 +8+1 _ 5 toughness no armour is 5
Varghoss (12:12 AM) :
Cool nicely diced then
Seneschal (12:12 AM) :
Hand axe is str + 2 DR

Seneschal (12:13 AM) :
right here would be a good place to finsih this session
Varghoss (12:13 AM) :
What with one left to kill?
Varghoss (12:13 AM) :
Varghoss (12:13 AM) :
Good time I'm knackerd

Seneschal (12:14 AM) :
No Gottir did him without breaking into a sweat, while you were busy hacking your poor sod up into little bits
Seneschal (12:14 AM) :
I'll just update the messenger bit
Varghoss (12:14 AM) :
Varghoss (12:15 AM) :
That was why I did the upwards bit, thought I might cut him in half if I hit him hard enough.
Seneschal (12:16 AM) :

Varghoss (12:19 AM) :
Throws the head loftily to me and says fancy a kickaround (re Gottir with Cymri's head)
Seneschal (12:20 AM) :
Varghoss (12:22 AM) :
Nice! (re: Gottir naming him Readbeard)
Varghoss (12:24 AM) :
V cool

Seneschal (12:24 AM) :
So what do you think?
Varghoss (12:24 AM) :
Love it

Varghoss (12:25 AM) :
We  need a bit of practice with the skill rolls to speed things up, but when I get my own rule book it will take some of the time constraints of you

Seneschal (12:26 AM) :
Next session should be epic. You have to save the Jarls wife and child, while Gottir and your father (played by you) will face the 30 Cymri warriors side by side.
Varghoss (12:26 AM) :
Get in there!

Varghoss (12:26 AM) :
Maybe if its gonna be massive we can do that one day off next week?
Seneschal (12:26 AM) :
Yeah I'll bone up and check on stuff at the forum, once I know the rules better it should all flow
Seneschal (12:27 AM) :
Yeah works for me make a day of it (prolly take half a day to do more than one fight lol)
Varghoss (12:27 AM) :

Varghoss (12:28 AM) :
Set the scene and got me a bit more used to it, The two messenger windows helped a lot with us not being in the same room.

Seneschal (12:29 AM) :
Yeah I always firgured you need two rooms to do RPG online, one for rules chat, one for play, helps things go well

Seneschal (12:30 AM) :
After this first adventure it will be more about what you want to do as a player. We'll start you off raiding if you want and then there will be the matter of your destiny, and I'll keep throwing in plot hooks, and there are the consequences from this game (for insatnce who betrayed the clan??)
Varghoss (12:31 AM) :

Varghoss (12:31 AM) :
And this one must finish with some of the our raiders coming back?
Varghoss (12:31 AM) :
But we will see no doubt
Seneschal (12:31 AM) :
But you'll be free to do what you want, you can raid as long as you want, or concentrate on warring with Cymri ,or travel the known world whatever.

Seneschal (12:32 AM) :
You will see, yes (re Q about raiders returning)
Seneschal (12:32 AM) :
MWWWHAHHAHAHAHA (evil laugh from behind GM's screen)
Seneschal (12:32 AM) :
Varghoss (12:32 AM) :

Varghoss (12:36 AM) :
Right I'm off to bed, gotta be up nice and early I'm knackered.
Seneschal (12:36 AM) :
Ok mate see you laters
Varghoss (12:36 AM) :
Cheers for tonight
Seneschal (12:36 AM) :
No probs I had a Blast myself
Varghoss (12:37 AM) :
I'll get back to you about Wednesday

Seneschal (12:37 AM) :
Ok email me when you know for sure
Varghoss (12:42 AM) :
Night mate catch you soon
Seneschal (12:42 AM) :


The Saga of Varghoss Redbeard

Part Two

You follow Gottir into the night, heading back towards the settlement and the Jarl's longhouse, for a moment you are filled with the glee of manhood, gained by the killing of your first foe. It is a feeling that lasts only until you see the smoke that chokes the moonlit skyline.

The slaughter of your people, the destruction of your home has begun.

As you catch your breath under the eaves of the Jarl's great hall, you can hear the screams and laughter carried on the wind.

Goodrun and her son on her hip. Tearfully she embraces her handmaiden. It is only when you look again, you realise that it is Goodrun that wears the dowdy worn clothes of a Thrall. Her handmaiden now wears her finery. The boy on her hip is your younger brother, and he now wears the clothes of the young heir.

Frey  'no-eyes' holds what you know by the design to be Gottir's shield and Helm. As she passes them to him one after the other, they speak for what will be the last time.

"Die well old goat."

"Die soon old hag."

With that, they go their separate ways. Frey takes Goodrun by the hand and leads her and the heir away from their home.

Gottir raises his sword in salute to the handmaiden who carries your brother, she acknowledges his salute, and still carrying your younger brother walks as calm and dignified as any noble women to take her mistress's place in the Jarl's longhouse.


The voice that calls you is stronger than it has been for some weeks now the voice that calls you is that of your father.

He stands leaning on your mother who bears his weight with the strength of a true Savaxen.

"Varghoss, my son."

He stands before you, your father. Cormac Bloodaxe, the seawolf. Stricken by fever and illness yet looking stronger than you have ever seen him.

"Varghoss, my son, it does me good to see that you have become a man before I die."

He shifts his weight from your mother and stands on his own two feet, they exchange a glance at no more, and then your mother is kissing your cheek.

"You do us much honour Varghoss."

Then she is gone, she leaves you and your father, with out looking back, pausing only to smile and speak quietly with Gottir who stands sentinel before the Jarl's home.

You think of your mother, the maid, and your brother. Listening to the screams, and cries that echo throughout the settlement, you try not to think what must surly happen in the longhouse. As if he could read your very thoughts, your father speaks.

"Our duty is to the Jarl of Ravenscrag."

He need say no more.

"Varghoss, swear this to me, and swear to me now as this will be my death oath between us."

He clasps a strong hand upon your shoulder.

"Swear, by Woden one eye, you will go now and take your place by the Jarl's heir, and remain there by his side until this nights work is done?"

He stands before you his blue eyes bright in the moonlit night.

"Do you swear it?"

"But can't I stand with you father?'

"Understand, that our sacrifice means nothing if the heir does not live. After this night he will need men such as you to stand by him."

"Do you swear it as one man to another?"

"Yes father, I swear."

"Then go, my son and Woden be with you, for now I can die with honour."

You walk with your father to the door of the Jarl's home. He smiles at Gottir.

"Well old man, in or out?"

Gottir looks, around him and then looks to the moon, for a second you see a glimpse of a smile light across his face then, he is once more the grim faced old weapons master.

"It is a fine night Cormac Bloodaxe, let us entertain our guests outside, here before the Jarl's fine home.

"Aye, outside it is then."

"Go now, young Varghoss," he says to you, "and do not forget me or the lesson is have taught you."

You look again to your father, but his face is unreadable his eyes fixed on the flames and the smoke that now engulf the settlement.

There is nothing more to do or say, you head for the mountain trail that leads to Frey's dwelling.

You run up the steep mountain path heading for the cave of Frey 'no-eye' you pause to look back, and are shocked to see more men appearing from the cliff top path.

Four appear to be Cymri warriors, one is dressed in the ragged filthy robes of one of their Druids, and one wears the clothes and armour of a Savaxen warrior.

The Druid spots you almost as if he knew you were looking at them. The smallest of the Cymri warriors' points angrily at you and his three comrades start to race towards you.

As if the matter was settled the druid, the small Cymri, and the Savaxen noble, stroll on towards the Jarl's long house, talking among themselves.

There is nothing for it you cannot stand against three armoured spearmen alone and armed only with your axe. Knowing your only hope is to push on and look for a better place to make a stand. You race up the mountainside streaking ahead of your foes

As you climb the path becomes steeper and starts to twist in on itself. You find an outcropping you can hide behind surprise will be your only advantage. You press yourself against the rock face and can hear the sounds of your pursuers, as they round the corner.

A flash of white fur cuts across the sky above you. There is a low bestial snarl followed by a scream. As the white wolf rips the throat from the Cymri, the blood stains its snow-white fur.

The she-wolf leaps at a second man.

The second Cymri drops his spear and draws his dagger, he cries out and slashes at the wolf, his hunting knife rending the animals coat and flesh, as now it's own blood stains it's pelt.

Jaws snapping, the snarling bloody red and white knot of fury and muscle launches its self at the second Cymri and locked in deadly combat the two tumbles from the cliffs.

Both you and the third Cymri stare in disbelief as they roll down the mountains side, until you both realise, you have a grim business of your own to attend to. You stare each other down on the narrow cliff top both of you wary of the other

The Cymri bellows his war cry and with spear lowered, he charges.

His lunge is wild, that of a frightened boy, his spear point glides past your stomach as you jump away from it

Your axe swings, and he tries to meet you blow with his spear, but is clumsy. With sickening ease the blade of your axe cuts through his hand

Screaming he holds his bloody stump in front of his face.

Without hesitation you leap forward and swing your bloody blade. His screams are silenced forever as his head spins through the air and his body slumps to the ground.

You realise if his body is found here, he will give you away, maybe lead more warriors to the heir and lady Goodrun

You push his body over the cliff, so that he tumbles following his own head, until he lies in a heap with his two dead comrades, and the broken body of the white wolf

As you bend to push him over you here a mewling sound coming from the ledge above you. The ledge from which the wolf leapt.

As you pull yourself up onto the ledge after an easy climb, you find the source of the mewing.

A lone wolf cub

The little cub growls at your first advance, but is soon overcome by his curiosity and soon the little snarls and yips become more playful, as he bites and licks at your fingers

"Varghoss! This is no time for playing!"

Frey's shrill voice pierces the night, sending an involuntary shiver down your spine

She stands on the trail below, her eyes sockets seeming to stare at you in that uncanny way of hers

"Come and bring your new play friend if you must."

As you climb down, every thing seems to be going fine, until the wolf cub playfully sinks its teeth into your ear. You fall the last few feet, and land awkwardly on your side. The playful cub nips your face and pisses on you. You rise, a bit shaken, a graze on your arm, a crick in your neck, otherwise unharmed

Picking up the cub, you follow Frey to her cave

In Frey's cave, a low fire burns in a shallow pit. Goodrun, the Jarl's wife is trying to settle her young son, who is crying and struggling to free himself from his mother's grip

Goodrun smiles at you, a sad smile.

You place the wolf on the floor and he wonders over to the boy who pulls his ears, the cub licks his face, and a life long friendship has been made

Frey summons you over to her

"Varghoss, this you must see."

You stand before her and her leathery old claw of a hand touches your face.

In an instant you are wrenched from your body, from your mind, rising upwards, you see yourself standing in the cave.

Then you are by your father's side. He looks as if he has seen you but there is nothing to see but the shadows of the night

He and Gottir have more pressing matters, before them stands a war band thirty strong. Men gorged and frenzied, from the blood, and the killing of your women.

Grim faced Gottir and your father stand shoulder to shoulder barring the entrance to the Jarl's home. The Cymri spearmen fan out around them, behind the spearmen, are a few swordsmen darting to and fro, behind the warriors are the skirmishers with their javelins.

Watching passively, seemingly without interest are the druid, the short Cymri lord and the Savaxen noble, his face obscured by his helm.

Two spearmen edge forward...

The spearman facing your father screams his challenge and thrusts at your father's face with all his strength. A foolhardy opening gambit. The spear slides off your Cormac's shield as he splits the Cymri's head with his axe. Gottir's man follows him to death with one swift parry and thrust.

Before he can even make a thrust the second spearman is despatched by Cormac, again a savage swing, a blow that shatters the skull of the hapless Cymri warrior.

A third spearman thrusts at Cormac's gut. Screaming with hate and fear in equal measure, only to blanch as he sees his spear strike shield. Soon he feels the sickening, flesh rending death, as with all his strength, Cormac swings his axe up and into the man, with such force and ferocity, that the axe-head lodges in the pelvic bone.

Laughing Cormac puts his foot on the Cymri's chest and kicks him away.

By his side Gottir's blade whirls in slow-fast arcs of cold metal death.

Before the next wave of attackers, the skirmisher seize their chance and launch javelins at Gottir and your father.

Gottir and Cormac though are veterans of many a skirmish and duck behind their round shields.

With a double thud the missiles hit home, weighing heavy on the arm dragging the shield earthward.

Without a word, they swivel towards each other. Each man cuts the javelin from the others shield, turning back in time to face the next wave of Cymri with a battle cry.

This time the Cymri come two at time. Trying to force Cormac and Gottir to manoeuvre. Trying to split them, but both Gottir and Cormac know that their only hope lies by standing side by side. If they stray from the entrance of the Jarl's doorway, those inside will be slaughtered.

Two wicked spear points jab at Cormac, one at his face one at his legs, his shield move up then down with strength and speed, and his axe move down and across with skill and practise.

One spearman falls back his eyes wide in disbelief as he stare at the gushing hole in his chest the other falls over the bodes of his fallen comrades with only one hand left to drag himself away. A third axe stroke takes one of the spearmen Gottir faces, Cormac's axe head slicing into the back of his skull.

Gottir breathing heavy swears at Cormac and cutting across the face of the last spearman lets curses Woden for making an old man of him.

This time a wild eyed swordsman leaps at Cormac placing himself between Cormac and Gottir who is beset by three Cymri there spears thrusting at the grizzled old warrior.
The Swordsman swings at Cormac who takes the blow on his shoulder, and buries his axe in face of his opponent.

The bloody Cymri swordsman falls like a felled tree, Cormac watches helplessly as despite his skill and courage the three spearman slaughter Gottir

As the third spear thrust bursts out of his back, Gottir smiles, sword in hand he cries out his last words

"Woden you piss drinker I'll see you Valhalla."

Then he falls to the ground his face a rictus grin, his Sword in hand

Bellowing like a wounded boar, Cormac charges the Gottir's killers, smashing into them with his shield they try to run their spears still lodged in Gottir but Cormac cuts them down with three feel blows and then backs into the open doorway and stands their alone. His axe heavy in his hand, his shield like an anvil on his shoulder his limbs ache his muscles burn, his lungs on fire.

He screams at the Cymri. "Come on! Come on damn you!"

What's left of the once thirty strong Warband crowds around Cormac. They look at the bodies torn and smashed that litter the floor. None of them seems eager to rush forward.

The short Cymri lord shouts at them, calling them cowards, and berating their parentage. He offers five Marks to the man who kills Cormac, three spearmen warily edge forward.

The first one charges with his spear, Cormac side-steps the charge and then slams him against the doorframe pining him with his shield as he cuts down the second man with his axe. As the pinned man tries to squirm free Ursla come from the shadow of the Jarl's longhouse dagger in hand, she cuts his throat.

Cormac tuns in time to slam the third spear away and his bloody axe cracks wide the jaw of yet another Cymri warrior. Cormac laughs before kicking him back onto the pile of dead.

The grass is slick with blood and black in the moonlight. Some of the fallen writhe moan and try to crawl to safety.

Again, Cormac shouts a challenge, his voice hoarse his eyes wild.

"Come on you Cymri dogs!"

The Cymri fall back

"Enough of this!" the voice is scratchy and harsh

The spearmen part and the filthy looking, weasel faced druid steps forward. His eyes shine with hatred, and spittle sprays from his lips as he speaks

"Get back to your hole serpent," says Cormac

The Druid smiles

"Ahh Cormac, you could fight the very gods themselves."

Without fear, he moves towards Cormac.

"But you can't fight your destiny."

He smiles again, a cold cruel smile.

"And you Cormac are destined never to see Valhalla," as he say this he spits on the fallen Gottir's forehead

"Have you been sick Cormac?"

At the mention of his sickness, Cormac groans and fall to his knees.

"Ahh you have, haven't you Cormac?"

The druid laughs. And start to prance like a fool in the moonlight

"Sick, sick, sick, sick, sick,"

Cormac's cries out his face white with fear and pain, his axe falls from his weak hand

"What is this witchery?"

The Druid stops his merrymaking suddenly solemn again.

"Ha Cormac, witches grub in hedges, and play at potion making. I can on the other hand am no witch."

His face shows his distaste for the female practitioners of the art.

The druid's eyes lock with Cormac's as he raises his sickle

Ursla runs past Cormac, her bloody knife raised, screaming no, but a Cymri javelin hits her shoulder and spins her back

"Cormac Bloodaxe, I have written your name on a stone and buried in the earth, I have whispered your death to the wind, and burned you hair on a solstice moon."

The wretched priest stands over Cormac; his sickle raised above him its blade an ugly dull metallic spectre in the night.

"Cormac Bloodaxe, I have cursed you by air, I have cursed you by earth and by fire, now I curse you by water" he spits on Cormac's face

Cormac falls backwards onto the floor and tries to reach for his axe.

"No Cormac you will not see Valhalla."

The Druid bends over Cormac and there is a sickening shriek. When the Druid rises, he holds aloft a bloody trophy.

"Like a woman I send you to the underworld Cormac, Like a woman."

The Cymri dance and cheer, The Viking noble who stands amongst them turns away to be sick on the floor.

The Druid throws Cormac's bloody manhood onto the floor, and the Cymri warriors' dance on it jeering and waving their spears in victory.

The Druid takes Cormac's eyes and ferrets them away in his robes.

There is another scream and a warrior runs from the Jarl's hall carrying the maids head and the head of Varghoss's little brother.

"The Jarl of Ravenscrag is no more," shouts the warrior holding the heads up high.

As Varghoss wakes from his vision the last thing he sees are them flames as they rise around his fathers mutilated body.

Varghoss weak and shaking falls to the floor, as Frey releases him from the vision

The last thing he sees before he slips into unconsciousness is the young Jarl of Ravenscrag and the white wolf cub.

From what sounds a long way away, he hears Frey's voice speaking in a whisper.

"The Jarl is dead. Long live the Jarl of Ravenscrag."

End of part two


Very cool!

So did you play the 30 Cymri v 2 Savaxen out? I am hoping you did to quell the nay-sayer who claim the TROS cannot be heroic..How many did they over 10!?
Do you know the Riddle of Hârn? (A Hârnic Story Hour with Game Notes using TROS, continued)


Hi Sigurth,

Yes we played it out, although I didn't play Gottirs combat every time Cormac killed a warrior, Gottir cut his down, until I decided it was time for Gottir to head for Valhalla.

I'll do a write up of the mechanics later (busy at the mo) but basically they stood shoulder to shoulder, with their backs to the Jarl's longhouse (so no-one could get behind them).

The warriors they faced were the lowest level mooks you could conjer up for TRoS. Most of them were Celtic peasant levy. Peasants straight from the field, no training, no armour and poorly equiped (poor spears) CP 7 ATN 8 DTN 9. The one swordsman was CP 8 ATN 7 DTN 7

These where the lowest of the low that my player will face, I wanted to get a handle on powerlevels.

Most combats were over as soon as COrmac made his first attack invaiarably ending with a celtic head being caved in.

As well as them being poor stats wise I also played them as foolhardy, inexperienced and bloodthirsty.

Cormac (we used Varghoss as Cormac) could kill these guys all night. Even with the -2 cp fatigue penalty he was still outclassing them. All told in actual dice rolling combat Cormac killed 8 warriors in a row.

At that point I decided to intervene with the druid (which was always the plan, I didn't think he would let Cormac slaughter the entire warband and then intervene).

I could have played them better and I could of forced the issue of the numbers more and had three or four spearmen poking at Cormac and made him defend at various negative modifiers, but for the purpose of Varghoss destiny, I didn't want him to die in combat.

We thought it was pretty epic.


I hope you keep posting :)  This is really good stuff.  I'm enjoying seeing the RP and the mechanics separated, too.


Ok I won't print the whole play log this time, just run through the basics of session two.

As Varghoss the player had a race up the mountain path (attribute roll) and rolled against per to spot a good site for an ambush. After the wolf attacked two of the Cymri Varghoss killed the third then had an easy climb up a small ( 20' ft ) cliff face (extended roll) and slightly harder climbing down one handed carrying the wolf cub, he failed on the last roll so I rulled he made it most of the way down and then fell (minor damage from the fall).

Then we switched from Varghoss to Cormac for the big fight.

The detail of that were mentioned above, the only real problem we had was that after Gottir died and the player wanted to manouver to the door I couldn't quite work out how to do that (the table said N/A) and my brain wasn't wrking enough to pull a TN out of the air so I just let him move to the door.

been busy with some deadlines so didn't play this week but I did email the player a dream of Varghoss's just to keep things rolling.


I sent this email to the player just to keep things rolling as we couldn't play this week.

The Dream of Varghoss

In his dreams Varghoss, crosses the sea faster than any Longship. Faster than any seabird, faster than an arrow shot from a bow. Flying free, just above the surface of the grey water until he reaches a land unfamiliar. A land of grey mountains, and green hills. The land of the Cymri.

Through forest and over field, bolt like he flies, until he reaches a place both strange and fearful. A place of death, a place of death and worship. The smell of death presses close upon him and the screams of the dammed are topped only by laughter at once recognisable.

The Druid.

Somewhere in the depths of a great forest in the shadows of Black Mountains surrounded by rolling green hills stands a dark temple. A place of grey stone and blood, a place of ancient practices, of iron bowl, bronze knife and a stone alter. A place of sacrifice.

The Druid, sweating and bloodstained, laughs as he brings down his sickle in stroke after stroke. His victim cries out the sickening desperate cries of the slow agonising death.

The druid laughs.

Standing between two grim-faced warriors, a huddle of women and children cling to each other as the cry out and wail in horror. As they watch the druid about his work, they know that their time is coming.

The Druid sickle raised for the final strike stops mid laughter and turns a foul curse on his sneering lips.

He turns and fixes his dead eyes on Varghoss's corporeal form.

"As you see me Savaxen, so I see you!"

He opens his hand and when Varghoss looks into the palm of the druid, his gaze is met by a familiar pair of eyes. Those of his dead father. They bore into his eyes with an unearthly piercing power.

Varghoss wakes screaming.

Varghoss shudders as Frey touches his arm. He turns to face the old seer and her eyeless sockets meet his gaze.

"He has mine too Varghoss," is all she says before placing her hand on his brow, "now sleep for tomorrow your destiny reaches out its hand."

The last thing Varghoss remembers is Frey's warm hand on his brow before he falls into a peaceful deep and dreamless sleep.


Quote from: ZenDogI just let him move to the door.

Good call since the druid took him out anyway. It's good to keep the battles free flowing!
Do you know the Riddle of Hârn? (A Hârnic Story Hour with Game Notes using TROS, continued)


Quote from: ZenDogI sent this email to the player just to keep things rolling as we couldn't play this week.

The Dream of Varghoss

"He has mine too Varghoss," is all she says before placing her hand on his brow, "now sleep for tomorrow your destiny reaches out its hand."


Eerie! Nice little bit there.
Do you know the Riddle of Hârn? (A Hârnic Story Hour with Game Notes using TROS, continued)