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I challenge you to a game of stack the piggies!

Started by Jason Lee, April 04, 2004, 09:33:54 PM

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Jason Lee

- Cruciel



and just in case you had any ideas...


I don't even want to know how long the 1st place player had to play this silly thing to get 40,000

Jason Lee

Oh...  defeated.

(cracks knuckles)

(half an hour later)


(does little dance)
- Cruciel

Jason Lee

Quote from: ValamirI don't even want to know how long the 1st place player had to play this silly thing to get 40,000

Heh, hours and hours I'm sure.  They must certainly dreamed of little piggies that night.
- Cruciel

Walt Freitag

Wandering in the diasporosphere

Jason Lee

Quote from: Walt FreitagBrought.


Whoa.  I don't know if I have the stamina to compete with that.
- Cruciel

Walt Freitag

I hope not. I really don't want to play it again!

- W
Wandering in the diasporosphere


You guys scare me!

I played 3 times, with a high score of 760, before losing my will to go on.
Jay Loomis
Coxcomb Games
Check out my">blog.

Bob McNamee

got a couple 1000-1300 score...

god you played to 10000 with the sound on?

Bob McNamee
Indie-netgaming- Out of the ordinary on-line gaming!


I think Walt's record will stand for awhile.  I managed to get to 5400 something, but I don't think I can bear anymore today.

When I started to hum along to the music box sound track and mentally note how utterly adorable those little pink pigs are floating around in a cotton candy sky, I knew it was time to stop, :-)

Jason Lee

It's such a happy game.  Worries left behind as the cute little piggies stack higher.
- Cruciel