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[Origins] "Is this a Forge game?"

Started by taepoong, June 29, 2004, 08:06:37 PM

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Ron Edwards

My achin' head ...

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For the record, I based my comments on a number of factors. First and foremost, Ron and Clinton's position on the Forge NOT becoming a brand name. However disappointing this may be, this is their intellectual property and I'll respect that right. Second, the comments of a few designers who took issue with their games being lumped in and glossed over as "Forge games." It may seem innocuous, but when the individual product and idea is overlooked for some clique-minded branding it can get nettling. So I sympathize with them.

So in light of that, Ron and Clinton are forcing us to come here and share our ideas but to leave here with them and come up with our own damn brand name. I'd be happy to do that.

You'll also notice that the NPA bears no Forge logo or any other branding device. Fuck 'em. We'll start our own brand.

However, playing devil's advocate with myself... I completely understand Pete and Ralph's position. A brand is an organic thing. Sometimes you just can't decide how your product is labelled, for good or ill. So if 1000s of folks are calling them Forge games, who am I to argue, right?

Well, we'll see who wins. My corporate branding machine, or the will of the reading/buying public. Such a force not even Clinton can deny!


F. Scott Banks

This might be a ramble, but  I'd heard the phrase "A Forge Game" so often that I actually thought it was a company for awhile and after joing the forge and discovering otherwise, I was still under the impression that upon creating a game with the community's help, the polite thing to do was give credit here.  I was honestly about to stamp the Forge logo on the cover in place of the d20 emblem.

Good that got cleared up.

Than again, seeing what it does for sales, I might anyway...heh, heh, heh.