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New 24-Hour Games

Started by philreed, June 30, 2004, 01:57:00 AM

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Okay, let's kill this thread. There will be an announcement in the next week or so that gives complete details and a schedule (I'm looking at creating a two-week window of opportunity for this round of 24-hour games).

Thanks for the interest, guys! I hope a lot of you try this out.


Uh, oops. I started mine before I saw your post, Phil, and hey, inspiration struck when I had some free time, so I ran with it. Beginning on 4:00 PM one Tuesday, July 6th; ending at 4:00 PM on Wednesday, July 7th. Title: Once Upon a Time and Long Ago. A game with which the players look back at their childhoods through a darkly fantastical lense.

Jeffrey S. Schecter: Pagoda / Other


Hey guys,

Finished. 24 pages in 21 hours. Unfortunately...

It's 50 MB. Probably because of the way I put the background in, because I don't know shit about formatting. Is there any way to change the resolution of a .pdf file so that it isn't quite so... grotesquely huge?

Jeffrey S. Schecter: Pagoda / Other


Nevermind. Got it down to 1 MB. Pick it up here.
Jeffrey S. Schecter: Pagoda / Other

C. Edwards

Hey Jeph,

Just a heads up. The link only works if you Save the document. It may just be me, but using Open results in a file not found error.


Big Simon

Both ways worked for me...

Current projects: Exile, Hero Academy
-~•~- -~•~- -~•~-
Opiates are the religion of the masses. - Mr. Wednesday

Big Simon

Okay... I've looked through Once Upon a Time and Far Away and have to say that you've done a good job, Jeph.  I'm going to playtest it with my beautiful little princess and dashing princes and see where it goes.  *grin*

Current projects: Exile, Hero Academy
-~•~- -~•~- -~•~-
Opiates are the religion of the masses. - Mr. Wednesday

Andy Kitkowski

While Phil is pulling together an announcement thread, I just wanted to post my little PR about the new 24 Hour RPG site:


Hey all, Thanks to a little inspiration, and some guidance from Phil Reed, I've gone ahead and developed a simple 24 Hour RPG site.  

I'd like that site to be a storehouse for the 24 Hour RPG project, including being the "face" of the project (ie listing news items, future 24 hour RPG dates, etc), hosting the files created for the event, and listings for the various designers who participated.

In a few days I'll have a "Designer Listing" (like an "About the Author") for for the previous and current designers to fill out.  In the meantime, I'm hunting for the following:

1) Permission to link to or post previous submissions.  If so, please fill out the "Submit!" form at my site and either submit your game directly, else post the URL of the place where I can find it.  All the people who submit their game will later (in a week or so) receive a form to fill out to be your "Designer Listing". I'll also be asking for a pic that I can use (size max 250 pixels on longest size- else submit anything and I'll resize it for you), so now's your chance to hunt for that One Pic that makes you look good (or feel free to submit anything as your profile pic).

2) Support, in the form of people with server space that wouldn't mind acting as mirrors to help me save bandwidth.  I don't mind funding the site and domain name, but if bandwidth is going to be a killer, I'll be... disappointed... if I can't pull in enough Paypal donations or server mirrors to keep the project going.

That's about it.  The site can be found at , and in a few days "vs Monsters" will be listed.

Thanks for your time!
The Story Games Community - It's like RPGNet for small press games and new play styles.


Is it neccessary to 'sign-up' before hand, or can we just submit a finished game at the designated time?

BTW, this is me saying I'll probably participate.
--Timothy Walters Kleinert

Andy Kitkowski

Quote from: timfireIs it neccessary to 'sign-up' before hand, or can we just submit a finished game at the designated time?

BTW, this is me saying I'll probably participate.

Phil's gonna set a date (or, as he indicated above, a "date range").  Feel free to just participate. No sign up.  See Jeph, above.
The Story Games Community - It's like RPGNet for small press games and new play styles.


Is our entry still eligible if it's not in pdf format?

Andy Kitkowski

Quote from: CrackerjackerIs our entry still eligible if it's not in pdf format?

Yep.  However, join the email list, I'm sure that you'll be able to find someone willing to take your DOC and convert it to PDF. For security reasons, I'd only like to post PDF at my site (instead of DOC). But a bundle of HTML would be acceptible, too, if a little unweildy..
The Story Games Community - It's like RPGNet for small press games and new play styles.


I posted my 2004 entry on 08-02 at 11:52 PM PST. For some reason I can't post a message to the Yahoo group, though (!@#@#! Yahoo), so I'm posting here. The reason for the late submission is two-fold:

A. I'm lazy and like to procrastinate.
B. Corel makes a really shitty word processor that caused by whole PC to crash around 9:45 PM PST.

Conisdering B, I don't think that my submission (Roguelike) turned out all that bad (though when I was recovering the file from Corel Hell, I did lose two pieces of clipart). I'll upload the completely restored file to my site (Miscellaneous Debris) as soon as I finish rebuilding it.

On the plus side I've learned that Corel isn't built for procrastination.
James D. Hargrove