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Playtesters wanted for Arcane

Started by Dracos, October 30, 2004, 09:20:32 PM

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The Dragon's Forge Game Craft is looking for experienced groups willing to try our fantasy RPG called Arcane.  Features of the system include:

[*]Completely points based system.
[*]Archetypes are designed to be combined, offering thousands of possibilities
[*]Personality Traits allow each Legend to be fully realized for R-O-L-E playing
[*]Player-defined Advantages/Disadvantages
[*]Extensive skills system, including Trade and Background skills
[*]Real-time combat
[*]Design your own martial arts fighting styles.
[*]Word-based magic:  make up spells on the fly
If interested, visit"> for more information.  We are especially interested in groups near St. Louis, MO or Las Vegas, NV.