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Forge or Indie RPG Online Convention - Feedback Please

Started by GaryTP, December 14, 2004, 03:37:12 PM

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Looks like there is some interest in an online convention, but not a lot. I'll place this on hold for now and bring it up again in a few months. Having a big enough presence would be crucial to pulling it off.



Have you shopped the idea around to other sites? Might also help in getting some backing as well, as the Forge isn't the only indie hangout.
Nate Petersen / daMoose
Neo Productions Unlimited! Publisher of Final Twilight card game, Imp Game RPG, and more titles to come!

Nathan P.

I'm interested, but I'll be more interested in a few months, as Timestream isn't going to be on the market until June. So here's my vote to bring it back up again down the road.
Nathan P.
Find Annalise
My Games | ndp design
Also | carry. a game about war.
I think Design Matters


The idea has merit. I really don't have time to work on one again, though they are a blast. It seems like it would be somewhat easier to pull one off these days, with technical stuff handled easily (Paypal, etc.) and gaming news sites & communities at hand.

I think, if you do want to put one of these together, start small. Plan a few hours of "events/schedule". Do a Saturday Indie Con, 5-10 PM CST. Get four indie publishers on board. Schedule some chats/game demos. Line up a free gift or two. Then send out press releases.

The risk is significant if you plunk a lot of time, money, resources, and manpower into a full-scaled online con and it sinks. There simply might not be a crowd of gamers who want to spend a weekend online chatting with indie game publishers. But there might be. By starting small, you don't overload yourself, you build contacts & experience, and you begin generating buzz. Hell, it sounds like the same process a lot of indie publishers do when releasing their first games. And if it flunks, oh well, you aren't out much of anything.

Just my last suggestions...

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