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WindSpeaker: pdf v. print

Started by Astrivian, January 25, 2005, 07:05:21 AM

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I am wondering if anyone has experimented with pdf publishing using the newer versions of Adobe Acrobat (version 7)?

Some ideas i had for my ongoing, creeping, self-publication of WindSpeaker (WS) hinge on the interactivity of PDF files.  For example, WS involves a lot of number crunching (with common attribute quantities ranging from 0 to 7,000).  PDF's form capabilities would simplify this process during character creation and play.  For example, the player could simply type in the "raw" number and the form could calculate the effectiveness value for play in milliseconds (as opposed to the player punching away on a calculator or leafing through charts).  Also, PDF v7 has the ability to include QuickTime and Flash animation.  Thus, I could even toss in QuickTime VR's of various objects (a musket for example), or plagerize videos from google (just kidding), and Flash is always fun.

The 10 Traditions of Religious Spiritualism: Religious Spiritualism, Tao, Gnothi Sauton, Compassion and Humility, Sapientia, Sattvic Action, Logos, Zakat, Living in the Present, Meditational Prayer.


Interactive forms sounds like a good idea. I don't see how that could go wrong.

Quicktime and Flash, however, might be a matter of taste.

Personally I hate them (in fact I won't have Quicktime on my machine as it has caused system problems everytime I've tried to install it - Flash on the other hand is just annoying), and I'm sure I'm not alone,  so my recommendation is... if you include such things, do not make the product dependant on them. They could be nice extras, for those who like them, but if someone who doesn't is going to be required to deal with it everytime they want to use the product, it's very likely they'll not buy it at all. Some of us just want a game.
Calvin W. Camp

Mad Elf Enterprises
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