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Norwescon Seattle March 24-27, anyone attending?

Started by Danny_K, March 03, 2005, 06:30:06 PM

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I've heard there's some gaming going on there, but the website ( is infuriatingly light on details.  

I believe in peace and science.

Ron Edwards


That's two threads today which seem to be completely missing the point of this forum.

People posting here need to read the Sticky thread at the top of the forum. This is not a bulletin board, nor is it a socializing center. Find some other place to use the internet for those purposes.

I'm probably going to kick in a harder No Tolerance policy about that in this forum, moving threads into the Inactive File, especially since posters tend to want to argue about moderation more here.

Danny, to keep this thread viable, can you provide some focus that brings the topic into alignment with the Sticky guidelines?



Quote from: Ron Edwards

1. You are attending a convention and plan to play one or more independent games. You might be seeking some support or promotional material from the authors, or you might be seeking some help from potential fellow players.

How does my post not fall under point #1 of your sticky?  I'm strongly considering attending this con, and would play one or more independent games if possible.

Please feel free to delete the thread if you feel it's inappropriate.
I believe in peace and science.

Ron Edwards

This is the last moderator post for this thread.

Danny - your post doesn't conform to point #1 because you don't say anything that's relevant to #1. "Hey, who's going" is not the same as actually organizing an event or meeting.

I am not interested in your interpretation. Do not post it.

Threads are not deleted here at the Forge. Your failure to accord with the rules will stand here for all to see, permanently.

I tend to interpret such comments ("go ahead and delete it," or similarly, "go ahead and ban me") as defiance. Do not argue with moderation; all it does is land your posts in the Inactive File.

This thread is closed. No one is to post to it again.
