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Your Mom - Gamist, Simulationist or Narrativist?

Started by DevP, April 06, 2005, 02:56:42 PM

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Answers must be in the form of a yomama joke that is not affected at anyone's mother, but rather at the 2nd-person "mom".


Doug Ruff

Yo mama so Gamist, she leaned on the scales when they were weighing you to make sure she got the biggest baby in the Maternity Ward!
'Come and see the violence inherent in the System.'


Yo mama so nar, she had you to get another probelmatic issue!
Pete Darby

Doug Ruff

Yo mama so Nar, she called in the social workers...
'Come and see the violence inherent in the System.'

Victor Gijsbers


Your mom is so simulationist, whens he rolls on the encumberance table - SHE REALLY *ROLLS* ON THE ENCUMBERANCE TABLE.

Matt Snyder

You're mama's so Narrativist that whoever she meets, she bangs!
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra

joshua neff

Quote from: Matt SnyderYou're mama's so Narrativist that whoever she meets, she bangs!

That. Was. Awesome.

"You can't ignore a rain of toads!"--Mike Holmes

Jason L Blair

Yo mama so Gamist, she had five kids just so she could beat all your asses.
Jason L Blair
Writer, Game Designer

Ben Lehman

I don't see how you can classify the rich tapestry that is your mom into these little boxes!  This theory is totally bunk!


C. Edwards

Your mama's so Narrativist, I just wanna kicker.


Ron Edwards

Hee hee. Now this is different, this is funny.

Yo mama so Simulationist, that you're just a VR-baby.


Victor Gijsbers

Quote from: Ben LehmanI don't see how you can classify the rich tapestry that is your mom into these little boxes!  This theory is totally bunk!
No, no, no! GNS-theory is not about your mother, it is only about the reasons your mother had for keeping you.

Ben Lehman

Your mom is so Gamist, she'd take your allowance just for the XPs.


joshua neff

Your momma's so gamist, she killed your daddy and took his stuff.

"You can't ignore a rain of toads!"--Mike Holmes