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Your Mom - Gamist, Simulationist or Narrativist?

Started by DevP, April 06, 2005, 02:56:42 PM

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Bill Cook

Oh, my god .. (Wipes away tears.) This is so funny. And so sad that I think it is.

Quote from: Gordon C. LandisYo momma so confused about our parts and her hole, she gave us all her sinnin'-door key.

Oh, shit. I get it.

Rob MacDougall

Quote from: bcook1971
Quote from: Gordon C. LandisYo momma so confused about our parts and her hole, she gave us all her sinnin'-door key.
Oh, shit. I get it.

Yeah, that one took me a while.

Victor Gijsbers

Quote from: Frank TI don't get it.
Blessed ignorance.

(Try to read it aloud.)

Walt Freitag

Reading it aloud won't help. The phonetics are too distorted.

Instead, think about where on the Forge you've seen "confusion about the parts and the whole" discussed before, and what other terminology enters into that discussion.

- Walt
Wandering in the diasporosphere

Ron Edwards

Andrew Morris

Download: Unistat

Victor Gijsbers

Quote from: Ron EdwardsAnd it's not even a limerick!
Nay, you can't make a limerick with it. It's not the right metre. It ends with two non-stressed syllables, and no limerick lines do.

Doug Ruff

Quote from: Ron EdwardsAnd it's not even a limerick!


Yo mama, she like GNS,
Yo papa, he couldn't care less!
That's why just one day,
Of dysfunctional play
Put her in maternity dress

You're welcome,

'Come and see the violence inherent in the System.'

Victor Gijsbers

Quote from: Doug RuffYo mama, she like GNS,
Yo papa, he couldn't care less!
That's why just one day,
Of dysfunctional play
Put her in maternity dress

(Uh, yeah. Look carefully, and you'll see a man bowing down in admiration.)


damn, son!  mad cats is gettin' burned up in this piece!

(sorry, i couldn't keep that in anymore...)
Michael P. O'Sullivan
Criminal Element
Desperate People, Desperate Deeds
available at Fullmotor Productions


-Yo mama so fat, they call her "The Big Model"
-Yo mama so mean, they call in Farrakhan for Conflict Resolution
-Yo mama so big, she can only wipe her ass through Exploration
-Yo mama so freaky, the navy calls her the Shared Imaginative Space
-Between her feet and her face, yo mama is Beeg Horseshoe theory in action
-Yo mama be losing money between her fat folds- she call call it Fortune in the Middle.
-Yo daddy say he lucky when Yo fat mama get offa him, he call it Fortune at the End.
-Yo mama so fat, she took up the whole Relationship map.
-Yo mama so hunchbacked, she gotta Step on Up to see her toenails.
-Yo mama so foul she made Whiff Factor

Ah, the dozens...



I used to spend hours playing the dozens with friends.  I'm rusty, but it still calls to me...


AKA Jeff Zahari