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Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?

Started by Sydney Freedberg, April 06, 2005, 04:53:41 PM

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Spouse: One, female, gamer chick.  Also guitar chick, and geek chick.
Children: Two, twins, one daughter, one son, elven years old; both aspiring gamers.
Pets: Two, both cats, both neutered.  Maxie is old and feeble, Brideag is young and energetic.
Demons: See Brideag, above.
"In our game the other night, Joshua's character came in as an improvised thing, but he was crap so he only contributed a d4!"
                                     --Vincent Baker


Spouse: One, male, 15 years (!) in the fall. It's a good thing you have a form to keep this short, else I gush, embarrassing one or both of us.
Kids: Two, boys 8 and 5, both avidly budding gamers.
Pets: Three cats; one big and goofy, one smaller and neurotic, one middle-size and bossy.
Deamons: Hm. A little self-defeatist beastie. A little over-commit-so-people-will-think-you-have-worth monster, mostly under control. No doubt ten years from now I'll look back and see others. Oh, and the 'there's not enough ___' one is really still evil from time to time.


spouse: married, 8 years.
kids: 2 boys, 7 and 5
pets: none
demons - sleeping

Matt Wilson

Spouse: yes, since last July.

Kids: nope. I prefer to retain that role for myself.

Pets: yes, my dog Emmett, who rules.

Demons: two cats, who were a package deal with spouse, above.

John Kim

Spouse: Yes, for 7.5 years -- poet, translator, and gamer chick
Kids: One, 5 years old, best kid in the world
Pets: Two Siamese cats -- very affectionate, also very vocal
Demons: mine is a Parasite demon who lives in my head (Psychic Force and Cloak, I think); spouse's is a Passing demon which masquerades as her sister.  :-)
- John


Wife: yep, for over ten years now (although it seems shorter.)  Not a gamer, actually somewhat anti-gamer, after bad experiences with a former boyfriend in high school.
Kids: a boy, for over seven years now (although it seems longer sometimes!  Great kid, just.....spiritted.)  Demands for made-up bedtime stories has kept my imagination fresh during long gaming drought.  Currently obsessed with Pokemon, I'm hoping I can somehow leverage that into an interest in gaming.....)
Pets: a cat, for some period of time between wife and boy.  Also a betta fish, a more recent addition.
Demons: I have suspicions about the fish....



Spouse: Nope, but an in-house GF who's attached at the arm a good portion of the time. Gamer chick too, my fault. 21/22 respectively, so its funny watching the HS single gamer geeks hitting on her at cons and shows ^_^

Kids: No, but I often end up parenting friends of mine. Scary.

Pets: A dagu (looks like a fat gerbil) with very particular tastes and an attitude worse than most cats.

Demons: The Wal*Mart demon, a possessor. Does grant a decent power, a Paycheck, but it sucks your soul out of your nose with a straw. Damn bastard demon. "CURSE YOU MEESTER SKEEPERDOO!"
Nate Petersen / daMoose
Neo Productions Unlimited! Publisher of Final Twilight card game, Imp Game RPG, and more titles to come!


Wife: Yes and no. We're not "legally" married but we've been together for over a decade and have a more stable relationship than many of the people I know (including married, or formerly married couples). Our state doesn't have/recognize common law marriages or we would have qualified. Yes, we plan to get married, eventually, sometime, when we have the time and money for it. Until then? Seriously, who cares? She sort of role-plays, and did more before we had kids.

Kids: So, I answered that, didn't I? Four. Yes, I said four. I am provably insane (effect, not cause). One boy, three girls. 8, 5, 3, and 1. My son has some serious difficulties I won't get into here, making even normal family things (even just around the house) exhausting and very tough. Oh, and the minute one of those girls becomes a teenager, I buy a shotgun and a rocking chair (anyone who doesn't get the joke either doesn't have kids or doesn't have daughters). The older two are starting to get into RPGs.

Pets: Two cats. I want a dog. I used to be horribly allergic to cats until we stayed with my wife's parents for six months while job/house-hunting (maaany years ago). Obviously they weren't getting rid of the cats because of (at the time) some boyfriend, so I guess I developed an immunity. One of our cats only thinks it is a male; this is aggravating for a number of reasons. Since my family has been raising and breeding Golden Retrievers my entire life, I grew up with dogs and thus want to continue the tradition. If I had the money I'd clone my first dog for a pet (er, again?): best dog ever. EVER. ANYWHERE. Seriously. I want a raven, because they're one of the most intelligent birds, but it is illegal to cage them in the US for a variety of very ridiculous reasons that have nothing to do with the animal's safety, well-being, or need for a natural habitat (ie: reasons I would agree with).

Demons: I already said I had a wife and kids (ba-dum-da). But seriously, where do you think all those Sorcerer illustrations came from? Serious.
Rev. Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan
Wild Hunt Studio


Married: Like Trevis Martin I'm going on 12 years of marriage. She's a non-gamer and a seroiously bad loser.
Kids: Two daughters, 6 years and 10 months. The oldest one loves Harry Potter and dad's gaming collection.
Pets: I unfortunately have a cat... Comes with my wife apparently, got rid of the last one by moving from the US to Sweden, then all of a sudden we had a new one.
Demons: Those darn cats keep showing up around me!

Oh, and some comments.

Alexander Cherry, what, you cannot marry for love in Arizona?!

Christopher Weeks, just the one cat is killing me...

Greyorm, I am right there with you on the shotgun/rocking chair combo.  ;)




I swore off marriage in 1987.
No kids.
3 cats between my 2 roomates.
Demons are everywhere!  EVERYWHERE!!!


Spouse: One (1) woman. Duration of spousehood four (4) years.
Kids: One (1) female, 3.75 years old.
Pets: One (1) cat, neutered male. One (1) female cat under next-door house, four (4) kittens; being fed by soft-touch spouse.
Demons: N/A--lack of belief in said entities.
AKA Jeff Zahari


Spouse - Yes, Kelly, female, 10 years together as of my birthday (best. present. EVAR!) last year, when we did our own handfasting / "get over it, we aren't getting married, you may buy us household goods" thing.
Offspring - Alex (6) and Ruth (3).
Pets - 6 fish, 2 African Land Snails, 3 Newts, 3 Toads, time share on a cat (we don't feed it, it didn't get the hint until the weekend, when we had a dog in the house)
Demons - Self doubt, debt, Baatezu lord of the Flames (or was it the Dance?)
Pete Darby

Walt Freitag

Well, because it's a particularly important topic, I'll make an exception this time...

Spouse - One, female. Answers to Barbara. We've been married over ten years now, after almost ten years engaged.

Kids - None between us; she has a daughter from a previous marriage. "Kid" may be a misleading word though; she's coming up on her own 10th wedding anniversary soon.

Pets - One absolutely delightful miniature schnauzer, April, one year old.

Demons - When I walk around at night, streetlights go out as I walk under them. Just once in a while, but regularly. Other people I'm walking with notice. I say, "Oh, that happens all the time to everybody, right?" And they just give me a blank confused stare.

- Walt
Wandering in the diasporosphere


Quote from: WaltWhen I walk around at night, streetlights go out as I walk under them. Just once in a while, but regularly. Other people I'm walking with notice. I say, "Oh, that happens all the time to everybody, right?" And they just give me a blank confused stare.

That's something to do with vibrations in the sidewalk and shorts in the wires and something. I'm pretty sure. I'm almost positive. It happens to me too. Sometimes when I'm driving - vibrations in the road, then, too. It happens all the time to everybody, I think. Right? I mean, um, right?


Ben Lehman

Quote from: lumpley
That's something to do with vibrations in the sidewalk and shorts in the wires and something. I'm pretty sure. I'm almost positive. It happens to me too. Sometimes when I'm driving - vibrations in the road, then, too. It happens all the time to everybody, I think. Right? I mean, um, right?

I have a terrifying story about this.

This used to happen to me.

Then, something changed about my internal life.

Then, the streetlights started *coming on* when I walked under them.