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Giant Transforming Robo-Team, Go! (sentai)

Started by BrennaLaRosa, May 05, 2005, 01:39:21 AM

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I absolutely think you should stick with it.  It gave me the "wow thats kind of neat" feeling the moment I saw it. Could be just me or maybe it was gas, you know but I think the idea has tons of merit.

For my own experience I have several moldy zombies (game ideas)  hanging around that could either spring to life or finally die their deserved deaths.  I can tell you though that the one game I did not expect to pan out is the one most likely too. Your gonna go through tons of times of self doubt and several bottles of aspirin and there are others here who can give you even more accurate accounts of the pains of Game Desgn then I.

So yes, keep going. You might want to take a week, digest everything, make a 2 to 4 page set of playtest rules and see whats what. The Forge has plenty of people willing to give genuine feedback.



Then it's settled. That's three people who have kicked me in the head and said "Get up, Soldier! You're not done yet!"

I have, however, at least come up with the Redemption Mechanic. This is where Dice Rolls and Stats are irrelevant.

1. Player declares Redemption Test. GM decides whether this is a valid attempt. If not, it reverts back to standard combat/test. If it is...

2. Player pushes all Fate Points to the center of the table.

3. Player roleplays an appropriate action (diving into a burning building to save someone, attacking the monster, racing across town with the needed information).

4. GM listens to the roleplay and contributes/interferes where necessary (i.e., burning debris falls in the hero's path, monster escapes, bridge out).

5. When the GM feels the player has made a good attempt, s/he returns a point to the players. When the GM feels the attempt was unsuccessful, a point is taken out of the "pot". When the GM feels the attempt has done nothing, there is no effect.

6. At the end of the test, the pot goes away. The player keeps any points received but doesn't get his old ones back.
"The new day is a great big fish."
--Terry Pratchett, 2004

"Who painted the kitten?"
--Avenue Q

"A good non-sequitor is like a pickle: You have to tickle the toast before you can put the trenchcoat on the honey-baked elephant."