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[T&T] A crowd of teenagers & way too many leprechaun

Started by Kesher, May 19, 2005, 05:52:17 AM

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Callan S.


QuoteThat being said, I don't think I'll change the decision I made.
That's cool. Once you decide to head in a certain direction, you'll also be concious of needing to decide to stop at some point. But when you haven't really decided to head in a direction and are just drawn to it, it never prompts you to stop. And you end up eating a whole bowl of chips and feeling sick.

QuoteThe second option is, admittedlly, sloppier, and not supported by any other mechanics except group precedent (which you could maybe consider a Resource!),
Maybe a resource!? :) Man, it is THE resource! You might have stats for an axe given by a book, but its group precedent that determines if that axe exists in any given place.

I think mechanics to pick at those group resources directly haven't been developed much. Once you have determined a resource is there, we have plenty of rules for what it mechanically does. So once you know the axe is there, you have plenty of numbers to play with. But when it comes to picking at those resource, the rules out there for that seem to drift toward 'okay, everyone should just try really hard to judge it as it really is, otherwise their a poopy head'. And everytime I think, "To do that properly, I'd have to be playing simulationist in the first place". It's quite uncomfortable trying to be a good gamist, when you know the backbone of play (the group resource precedents) sum total mechanical support requires you to be a good simulationist.

Philosopher Gamer