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[Sufficiently Advanced] Quickstart Manual

Started by Colin Fredericks, June 25, 2005, 07:18:52 AM

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Sydney Freedberg

Quote from: WRPIgeekThe Core Values add directly to Metatech scores when trying to resist someone acting against your CV.

Ah, I'd missed that in my quick read. That's a good one. Can there be an offensive/proactive use of Core Values, too? E.g. "I believe in Freedom +10, therefore I have +10 to break the lock on the slave pen"?

Colin Fredericks

Quote from: Sydney FreedbergAh, I'd missed that in my quick read. That's a good one. Can there be an offensive/proactive use of Core Values, too? E.g. "I believe in Freedom +10, therefore I have +10 to break the lock on the slave pen"?

That would be a bit high... Not a bad idea, though. Maybe +1 if your value is 1-5, +2 if it's 6 or higher. +10 is the equivalent of going from an ordinary punch to a supernova shockwave. :) +2 is more like going from an untrained punch to a handgun, or from a handgun to a tank gun.
