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Shopping List

Started by Lisa Padol, August 01, 2005, 10:11:42 PM

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Lisa Padol

I'm heading off to Scotland tomorrow, flying in the Wednesday of GenCon, then heading out for GenCon on Thursday. Having polled my friends, here is the Forge portion of my current shopping list, on the off chance it'll help people figure out how many of what to bring.

Primetime Adventures, 2nd ed -- 4 copies
Dogs in the Vineyard, 2nd ed -- 2 copies
Polaris -- 2 copies
Witch Mountain -- 1 copy
Nine Worlds, 2nd ed -- 1 copy
With Great Powers, 2nd ed -- 2 copies

I figure I've got reasonable odds of the stuff not having utterly sold out on Thursday. (And, of course, the list may expand on contact with the booth.)

-Lisa, in throes of last minute packing details

Andrew Morris

Fair enough, I'll put down what I want to buy as well.

Conspiracy of Shadows (Revised)
Breaking the Ice (at least one copy, probably two)
The Mountain Witch
TSoY Hardcover (if there are any left)
Primetime Adventures
Download: Unistat

Ron Edwards


Enthusiasm is a wonderful thing, and a little bit goes a long way ... but this isn't a discussion topic, so let's close it.
