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We Need a Term

Started by Josh Roby, August 25, 2005, 08:19:53 PM

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Josh Roby

Keith -- awesome.  Please keep us informed!

Eero --

I concur on 'Collectible' instead of 'Encyclopaedic' -- it turns the drawback into a feature, which is patent marketing.  I'm not sure about 'Complete' instead of 'Capsule' since I'm sure a lot of corper publishers would like to market their games as 'Complete' (and in fact already do).

On the other point, I'm sure there is a worthwhile conversation to be had about open-loop and closed-loop games, and the means by which we pursue these goals in game design.  In fact I'd like to participate in that conversation.  It's just not what I started the thread to define.  Games are more than just their manuscripts and conceptual frameworks -- although those parts are certainly important! -- but they're also manufactured artifacts used by people.  We can't ignore that physicality because it does have a very real impact on game design -- both conceptually and in terms of manufacturing.
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Larry L.

I'm a fan of using "fun RPGs" and "crap RPGs." That's really begging for loud, unconstructive arguments, though.