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[In a Land Called...] Console RPGs done timfire's way

Started by timfire, August 26, 2005, 08:15:02 PM

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Okido! Unlike Mr. Eero, I love these games!

To start...I like the idea behind Pre-Game Creation. The themes, Sin, everything. I recommend you have the world name last, it's easier to thing of something when you know what the world is like. Really, all that's needed is more stuff in symbols and character generation, but you already know that.

I like the idea of Fallout and Hope. I suggest it be a group decision. I also suggest that the fallout is mostly caused by non-player actions, things thay cannot control or didn't know about. Players too often alter their characters decisions because they themselves know the consequences. So if the players know something will happen but never when it will happen, it'll be more dramatic. Though of course, having them be caused by players will also be fun in moderation. Hope (unlike Fallout) should of course affect the characters directly, but you'll need to make them earn it.

Connections and Debt are a great idea. I believe the best though, are those that connect the players to other players or the Sin. Also, multiple players can a common NPC Connection that connects them together (like Zack from FF7 or Matron from FF8). It's also cool that they always knew, but happen to forget by mental illnes or magic or something of the like (a good example is FF8 and the fact that the characters grew up together, but completely forgot because of the GF's or FF7 with Cloud and the "Truth" he knew). Chances are you were already planning this. Connections should also be figured out In-Game. It makes it more dramatic that way.

The Moment of Transformation is very common in CRPG's (as you obviously know). Maybe you can go SaGa Frontier-like (the first one) and throw players into the lead role by puting them in certain situations that require their leadership. Then after the MoT, then can take a backseat to another player. This could poosibly be caused by Debt because Fallout is out of the characters control. Maybe sometimes Debt and Fallout are interchangable...

Also since this is quasi-religious, including things like churches (or something to that effect), people reciting some old text, and lots of important people proclaiming "this" will happen if you do "that" but it never really does. Actual symbols would also be a good thing to have. Including a few pages of symbols for the players to see often during their adventure is important. Even if it's a corporate symbol or religious symbol or the symbol of some group or just a symbol that warns you of somthing ahead. Physical designs that give some meaning is a must (the lion shape in FF8, the shinra logo in FF7, and the Tri-Force in Zelda).

I think this sounds like jolly fun! I would also like to extend my services as an artist to you. I am far too interested in this. I already have images in my mind... I think those art history classes are coming back to me again... cool.


Christoph Boeckle

Maybe this can be of interest, maybe not:
A spanish editor is planning the release of Anima, a game that is also inspired by japanese CRPG classics.
The graphics look splendid, but from what I heard of the rules, it is going to be quite close to dnd (no mentionning of a Sin, Fallout, etc.)

Anything new about your game, Tim?