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Indie gamers in Toronto/Mississauga/Oakville ?

Started by jaw6, August 16, 2005, 03:25:24 PM

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I recently moved to Mississauga (West side of Toronto) and my wife and I are looking for a new gaming group, hopefully one that's indie-game-friendly.

Also, recommendations for good local indie-friendly game stores would be great, too!

- Joshua Wehner

Becky Cowdy

I know of a vampire LARP in Mississauga, and its indie gamer friendly it is not run by the camarilla fan club, and if your interested you can e-mail me and I can send you contect infor and when the next game is.

p.s. One of the best gaming store in the area is the Hairy Turantula on Young St in Downtown Toronto.



I know it's a long trek, but we've got a small numbers of players meeting downtown, and we're always looking for more. There's a message board at -

It's organized by Erik who posts on the Forge from time to time as epweissengruber. Right now we're playing Dogs in the Vineyard, but there's lots of stuff I want to take a shot at.

If you want to play D&D there's lots of that to find in the area. The TRPA message board is a good place to look for it. You can find it here -

Good luck!


One of the best gaming store in the area is the Hairy Turantula on Young St in Downtown Toronto.

Is there some sort of rivalry between them and 401 Convenience? Everyone I talk to is Pro one and Anti the other...

If you want to play D&D there's lots of that to find in the area. The TRPA message board is a good place to look for it.

Yeah. We're in a tricky spot. I'm moving further into Indie-Land, while my wife, though of a high tolerance for such things, has only so much tolerance for new rules. d20 is probably the most complicated rules she's likely to go for, at this point, and even that was largely due to a great first group.

Oh well.

Thanks, very very much for the good tips!
- Joshua Wehner


I'm about to move to London, and am all about connecting with people to play and build indies.  I'd love to meet up for some Dogs, and will be looking for playtesters for a couple projects.

Know anyone in London?
Sweet Dreams - Romance, Espionage, and Horror in High School
The Big Night - children's game with puppets

In Progress:  Fingerprints
Playing:  PTA, Shock


I suppose this is a bit off-the-topic, but... Is anyone reading this going to be / already at the Gaming Expo event this weekend?

We're going to try to go tomorrow (Saturday).
- Joshua Wehner

Rob MacDougall

Hi Allan (and everyone else):

I just moved to London, Ontario too, and am also interested in hooking up with indie gamers in the vicinity. (Or in the GTA, too, but London-Toronto is a fairly long haul.) PM me if you ever want to talk local indie gaming, or visit me at one of the sites listed in my sig.


Rob MacDougall

PS to my last post, though: this forum really isn't supposed to be used for "seeking local gamers" posts. And I should know better, too. See the Using This Forum sticky at the top of the forum.

All the more reason to get in touch through email or private mail if you're local.